Group Tasks FG On Increased Funding For PLWA

The need to assist people living with the dreaded disease known HIV/AIDS, (PLWA), by way of having access to antiroviral drugs as well as providing them with the basic necessity of life has once again been brought to the front burner.

This submission was made yesterday by a group under the aegis of Civil Society on HIV/AIDS in Nigeria, CISHAN at the end of their meeting, election that brought in Mr. Remi Obinatu and Mr Lawarence as chairman and vice of the organization respectively in Abuja.

The Chairman Board of Trustees CISHAN, Mr. Peter Ojoma, while speaking with newsmen, noted that the issue concerning people living with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria has been a recurring one, even as he beckoned on government to as a matter of necessity increase funding for people living with the diseases.

According to him, “Over the years CISHAN has been on the fore front trying to sensitize not just the populace, but also galvanizing government towards an effective response. The issue range from lack of drugs and inadequacy of some basic things they need in order to have a meaningful life”.

He noted that the organization has over the years been advocating for the availability of anterioviral drugs for PLWA, just as he added that pregnant women are being taking care off so as to ensure that new born children are not affected by their parent’s status.

While urging well meaning Nigerians engaged in the act of discriminating those living with the diseases, Ojoma further noted “we need to continue to ensure that there is a total compliance in accordance with the laws of the land.”

