Group urges Tinubu to stop Lokpobiri from interfering in NCDMB

Concerned Niger Delta Group (CNDG) has urged President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to summon the Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, Mr Heineken Lopkobiri, to stop interfering with the Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB).

In a recent development that has raised concerns within the NCDMB, the Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, was allegedly involved in a heated dispute with the NCDMB Secretary, Engr. Omatsola Ogbe, over the issue of staff redeployment, which they say amounts to meddling in the organisation’s internal affairs.

According to the group, the Minister’s actions have raised questions about his motivations and the potential consequences for the institution.

The NCDMB, which is in charge of enforcing policies that promote Nigerian content in the oil and gas industry, is viewed as critical to the country’s efforts to increase indigenous participation and economic growth.

However, recent reports indicate that the institution is facing significant challenges, with the Minister of State allegedly interfering in matters that the NCDMB Secretary should handle.

President of the CNDG, Trueson Ogiri, stated that the Minister’s involvement in staff redeployment decisions undermines the NCDMB’s autonomy and independence.

He said the Secretary, whose role it is to oversee the organisation’s day-to-day operations, has reportedly been overruled in several instances when he sought to make staff changes based on merit and organisational needs.

Instead, they accused Lokpobiri of influencing the decision-making process by imposing his preferred candidates for specific positions without sufficient justification.

The group argued that such interference undermines the NCDMB’s effectiveness and efficiency, as well as its ability to carry out its mandate effectively.

“Employees with the necessary qualifications and experience for key roles are reportedly being overlooked, causing demotivation and decreased productivity within the organisation.”

Ogiri also claimed that politically motivated appointments are being made, which could jeopardise the institution’s credibility.

“The NCDMB has a critical role in regulating and developing local content in the oil and gas sector, so its decision-making processes must be guided by competence, transparency, and adherence to established rules,” Ogiri stated.

As a result, the group demanded that the Minister immediately stop intervening in staff redeployment matters, urging him to respect the Secretary’s authority and allow him to carry out his responsibilities without undue influence.

Concerned Niger Delta Group also informed President Tinubu that his recent Executive Order on Oil and Gas, which aims to make doing business in Nigeria easier, may be rendered ineffective if the Minister’s alleged actions against certain agencies and multinational corporations are not resolved.

The group also claimed that Lokpobiri’s actions as Minister of State affected several oil and gas projects, including the Daewoo/NNPCL joint venture Project.


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