Grow up

Stephen Wolemonwu

Growth is both an act of God and man. One may choose not to grow even when there are available resources for growth. In the lucid account of William Shakespeare: “Some are born great; some achieved greatness, while some have greatness thrust upon them.”

Like the Corinthian Church, most individuals though old in age are infants in understanding, and in their relationship with others. Paul referred to them as “babes in Christ,” 1 Corinthians 3:1.

“And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual, but as to carnal, even as to babes in Christ,” 1 Corinthians 3:1-2. Spiritual infanthood is globally reflected in marriage, politics, administration, academics and religion. The statement: “the age of Methuselah has nothing to do with the wisdom of Solomon” stands true of this generation.

Sound growth reflects in sound mind, approach, decision, principle, administrative flexibility, human-face in judgment, fulfilment of election promises and upholding the oath of office. Occupying a position does not define maturity, but being productive. The level of knowledge acquired should be reflected on the way matters of relationship and development, and other people opinions are approached and respected. Show me a man who is productive and I will tell you of a man who is sound, matured, and who does not consider himself an all knowing being. The ability to listen to others helps one to be able to communicate. It is expected that one who has been taught should be able to teach others. Hebrews 5:12 says: “For when the time you ought to be teachers, you have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of stony meat.”

If a man who is supposed to treat the wife with respect and wisdom converts the woman into a punching bag, such a man is yet an infant; though a husband, yet a baby husband. If a teacher, lecturer or a boss who is supposed to teach the student’s moral inflicts all sorts of immoral treatment on the students, he/she is nothing, but an infant.

Infancy rebuffs one of his/her basic rights. “Now I say, that the heir, as long as he is a child, differ nothing from a servant, though he be Lord or all; but is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father,” Galatians 4:1-2.

This scripture shows that someone’s basic right could be withheld as a result of state of infancy. God has provisions for every of His servants and children to grow to maturity and access their divine inheritance. These provisions are only made available when God sees the desire to grow or the desired growth in such an individual.

God may restrain a woman from getting married even though she is biologically of age, if she falls below average in her psychological or spiritual age rating. She is then considered an infant and as a result may be denied the spiritual backing to marry. This is applicable to every other aspect of our human life.
Brethren, in what areas of your life are you expected to grow?

Knowing An Infant
• Weak and feeble
• Depends on others
• Timid and helpless
• Short-sighted
• Always crying, murmuring and complaining
• Fearful
• Always untidy
• Excessive play
• Always hungry and eats anyhow
• Lacks experience
• Unable to carry burdens

Children love stories and tales, today, the church of God seems to be passing through ecclesiastical story-telling era, which is a mark of infancy. It reveals that some of the people who ascended leadership positions might have done so without proper grooming and discipleship. “And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned to fables,” 2 Timothy 4:4.

Currently, some pulpits, crusades, gospel rallies have been turned into story-telling grounds: stories of how the blind saw, how he/she travelled to some places of interest, how this and how that happened, these are all marks of spiritual infancy.

Stages In Growth
Hunger attracts satisfaction in life. For one to grow, there must be the craving and willingness to grow. To the aged Apostle Peter said in 1 Peter 2:2: “As new born babes, desire the pure milk of the word that you may grow thereby.” Growth is, therefore, not by accident, rather it is propelled by a desire. God satisfies hunger and even nature responds to hunger.

It is my prayer that God will increase your hunger as you read through. No child of God can truly grow without the balanced understanding of the revealed truth. Proper understanding and application of God’s word helps in the growth of the God-child.

Until you know, you may not be able to defend a matter boldly. Knowledge breeds boldness. Until you are knowledgeable you may not be acknowledged. Every growth is for a unique purpose. Anyone that is given the opportunity to ascend to a certain level in life is given such opportunity by God for the overall good of mankind. No man is truly blessed who is not a blessing. You are what you are, not because you are the only best person around, but because God has given you the privilege to be. Therefore, let your growth not be for selfish gains, but for the overall good and blessings of the world. Children do not understand this; they are just selfish, they do not think of ‘us’ but of ‘me.’ The day you begin to think more of ‘us’ than ‘me,’ then you are prepared to grow and be better.


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