Guinness join forces with severe nature to empower Black Cultural Expression in the Nigerian community

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Guinness proudly announces its groundbreaking partnership with SevereNature, a global homegrown streetwear brand. As the number one premium stout loved by millions of Nigerians, we created the Black Shines Brightest Campaign to show our commitment to inclusion, diversity, and cultural vibrancy. This collaboration highlights a pivotal moment in Nigerian fashion, blending two cultural mavericks into a single movement.

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More than football fashion, Guinnessx SevereNature is a lifestyle revolution. “At Guinness, we believe in the power of shared innovation and community strength,” stated Mark Mugisha, Director of Marketing, and Innovations at Guinness Nigeria. “Our collaboration with SevereNature transcends football and fashion; it’s a celebration of our shared creativity and community, reflecting the ethos of Guinness ingrained in Our Nature.”

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This partnership recognizes that a jersey is not just apparel but a reflection of identity, brand, fashion sense, interests, and affiliations. In today’s cultural landscape, jerseys have evolved beyond traditional boundaries, becoming expressions of lifestyle and individuality.

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SevereNature, with its devoted following of young trendsetters in Lagos, epitomizes this ethos of self-expression and community spirit. Through this collaboration, Guinness and SevereNature aspire to amplify a sense of belonging and creativity, empowering individuals to authentically express themselves through wearable art.

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“We’re excited to collaborate with Guinness on this groundbreaking venture,” expressed Christopher Afolabi, Co-founder, and CEO at SevereNature. “We’re reshaping streetwear culture in Lagos with Guinness, providing our audience with a platform to celebrate their uniqueness and express their individuality.”

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Guinness continues to champion cultural movements and forge meaningful connections with its dynamic audience through this collaboration. Join us as we embark on this transformative journey, celebrating the power of creativity, community, and collaboration ingrained in Our Nature! Follow us on social media @Guinnessngr and share your pictures using the hashtags #GuinnessxSVNR #BlackShinesBrightest


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