Haitians begin voting in long-delayed polls

Haiti MAPAFTER a campaign period pockmarked with violence, Haiti’s long-delayed elections are finally taking place amid a “climate of terror,” according to one human rights group.

Voting began at 6am (10:00 GMT) yesterday, with elections held for the chamber of deputies and two-thirds of the senate that have been repeatedly delayed since 2011. Polling stations would close at 4pm local time.

Al Jazeera reporting from Port-au-Prince, said voters were filtering into voting precincts in the capital.

While the conduct of the elections was generally peaceful, there were reports that two polling stations have been trashed, he said.

A presidential poll is set for October 25, in a nation where President Michel Martelly, who is barred from running again by the constitution, has been ruling by decree.

Nearly six million eligible voters in this mountainous country of 10.3 million are choosing 119 deputies and 20 senators from 1,855 candidates registered from 128 political parties.

