Hajj forms scam rocks Lagos governor’s office

Muslims at HaramTHERE were indications yesterday that some pilgrimage forms allocated to key officials of Lagos State Government for this year’s Hajj were hijacked and sold to some individuals. This came as the Presidency yesterday said it would not send any delegation to Hajj this year.

The action, allegedly perpetrated in the office of Chief of Staff to the Lagos State Governor’s Office, is currently causing ripples among officials originally selected for the exercise.

It was gathered yesterday that some members of State Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) scheduled to go to Mecca this year were yet to get their forms. On inquiry, the said documents had been filled and submitted by unknown individuals.

Amirul Hajj and Chairman of the Committee, AbdulLateef AbdulHakeem, when contacted said, “all the forms for sponsorship from the governor’s office including the one meant for the State House correspondents were submitted to the office of the Chief of Staff.”

AbdulHakeem added that the forms had already been filled and submitted for the Hajj.

Meanwhile, Senior Special Assistant to the President on Media and Publicity, Malam Garba Shehu, said in a statement that government would carry out its duty to Nigerians on the annual pilgrimage by extending to them consular, medical and welfare support as expected of it.

By the decision, the government is expected to save about $1 million and N30 million in local currency expenses.

