Handling Weather With Curtains

Curtain-2CURTAINS can be used to help keep living spaces in good and healthy condition during this season characterised by the north-east trade wind called harmattan. 

  The dry and chilly weather causes pile of dust to form easily on surfaces. This kind of situation can create some health problems for people if adequate care is not taken or even provoke attacks for those who suffer allergies such as asthmatics, medical experts say. Under this condition, curtains can be used to limit the effect of the prevailing weather. 

  With curtains a lot can be achieved in shielding the home from the influences of harmattan. Apart from the decoration functions, curtains can be used in beating the elements. They can be used to create a “warm room” in the home. Just as they are used to keep out cold, they are also used to block heat and light.

  Heat is lost through doors and windows. Curtains can insulate windows from the cold outside the house. Lined curtains are suitable at this period because they help check dust and dirt in a room, especially for a room facing the road.

  It is necessary for family members to realise the need not to leave the doors open unnecessarily long. Shut windows of bedrooms and draw curtains as soon as it is night to keep in warmth and in the morning when cold tends to bite more. In addition, using blankets can help warm the room.

  This time, carpets are useful because heat is lost through the floor. Carpets woven with double-knotted method trap warmth better.

