Happy Birthday, Mr. President

BuhariSIR: This is a congratulatory note to President Buhari at 73. Dear President, as you add and commence a new journey into another years of your patriotism, statesmanship and incorruptible life, we the people felicitate with you. Providence has given you this unique opportunity to rewrite our ugly history. History beckons on you to rescue the wrecked ship of Nigeria. We the people will support you to achieve your laudable and envisioned goals for the deprived, dehumanised and voiceless Nigerians.

As you carefully seek divine intervention with your hardwork at your age, to solve our mundane problems, be careful of AGIP (any government in power) in your government; take heed of political opportunists; listen carefully to constructive criticisms and advice, and stay focused on your dreams for Nigeria. You are a man with a vision for his country’s future. You are using our past now to shape our present and the future.

May God make you to be a replica and epitome of the late founding father of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew in Nigeria. As you embark on a unique journey to become a “giant of history” for Nigeria and a uniquely influential statesman of Africa, your roads to glory will be rough, but as a victorious warrior, your victory for Nigeria is assured.

You have begun carefully with slow and steady mission to repair a damaged nation. Your citizens in the Diaspora are your good ambassadors. We will continue to represent you adequately in our various capacities and professional callings. You are our icon of inspiration and a mirror to our core values. Your birthday is a reminder of your stewardship and service to your fatherland.

I will use this medium and opportunity to remind you sir, that the immediate problems of Nigeria are the basic necessities of life. They are, as you already know: power supply, good roads, good healthcare, security, jobs and other basic amenities for the plebeians.

We pray to Almighty God, to give you more strength, unalloyed bliss and power to your elbows, to be able to shoulder the multifarious problems of Nigeria.

•Yahaya Balogun,
Arizona, USA.



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