Heineken brings perfect UEFA Champions League cocktail

HeinekenGuests at the Heineken House, Lagos, have enjoyed an exhilarating mix of football entertainment and a unique cocktail blend.

Two giant clubs of European football clashed in the UEFA Champions League semi-final first leg match between FC Barcelona and Bayern Munich, producing moments of jaw-dropping brilliance from Lionel Messi, the acclaimed master of the game. Both clubs had toiled fruitlessly for 75 minutes before Messi broke the deadlock by scoring two exquisite goals within a space of three minutes. He then sealed the tie by assisting Neymar to the third goal, handing a 3-0 first leg advantage to Barcelona.

For Heineken guests, as with most football commentators around the world, it wasn’t simply about Barcelona’s impressive scoreline against Germany’s league champions. It was all about the footballing masterclass as delivered by Messi, eliciting comments like “He’s out of this planet!”

In this ninth consecutive year of Heineken’s sponsorship of the world’s best club football tournament, Heineken House Lagos is open to fans to watch matches on every UEFA match night.

The splendid venue in high-brow Ikoyi regularly attracts Nigeria’s entertainment celebrities and the occasional global football superstar.

The theme for this year’s campaign, ‘Champion the Match’ is born out of the insight that men know that UEFA Champions League match nights are worth a little more effort to make it memorable.

Yesterday Bayern Munich hosted Barcelona in the return leg of their semi-final tussle. Today, the Santiago Bernabeu duel will see the defending champion, Real Madrid, try to up turn the 1-2 defeat to Italian champions, Juventus in the return leg of the competition.

