Help, Nigeria’s Democracy Is In Danger

Nigeria’s democracySir: The importance of a virile, vibrant, patriotic, focused, responsible, responsive opposition in any democracy cannot be over-emphasised. Also our society just like nature recognises that variety is the spice of life.

One is saying this with all sense of responsibility in view of the way our present day opposition party is the opposite of these qualities. If anybody is in doubt, what can we make of or how can we rationalise the PDP cries that President Buhari should not nominate persons against whom allegations are pending in his supposed speculative ministerial list? Mind you, these are persons against whom allegations have been raised and the security agencies are implored to investigate and do the needful according to their constitutional responsibility.

But this same party was in the forefront of the agitation against the stepping down from office of Senate President Bukola Saraki against whom a trial of false declaration of assets has commenced at the code of conduct tribunal. Note that Saraki’s case is that of trial proper and not mere allegations, which have been raised against some persons allegedly on President Muhammadu Buhari’s ministerial nominee list.

By the way, what does this opposition party take us, the Nigerian people, for? Fools? If they are ignorant, it is proper to remind them that what is good for the geese is good for the gander, after all, the Constitution presumes a man innocent until proven guilty by a court of competent jurisdiction.

Again, you want to ask why can’t this opposition party be consistent and focused on issues instead of these jokes? It is better they are admonished that one of the reasons Nigerians voted them out in the last general elections was that they took the people for a ride and it seems that they are yet to come to terms with reality that times have changed and they also need to change.
• Nelson Ekujumi,



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