Herccess educates girls on menstrual health, hygiene

To celebrate World Menstrual Hygiene Day, Herccess, a community dedicated to promoting equity and women empowerment, has carried out an impactful educational outreach programme focused on menstrual health and hygiene for young women at Gbaja Girls Senior Secondary School, Surulere, Lagos.

The World Menstrual Day occurs every May 28.

At the event, the Herccess team engaged with over 200 students, providing them with comprehensive information on the menstrual cycle, hygiene practices, and menstrual product options.

They also created a safe space for interaction where students felt comfortable and free to ask questions and share their experiences without judgement. Beyond this, Herccess provided the students with menstrual hygiene products like pads, tissues, hand sanitizer, napkins, and educational products like notebooks, tote bags, and pens.

To appreciate the work put in by teachers, the organisers held a game session where each student was given the opportunity to vote for their favourite female teacher, and Herccess provided the winner with a little incentive for the dedication and being a positive role model to the students.

Speaking at the event, Founder, Herccess, Blessing Chinwendu Ezenwankwo, said by addressing the misconceptions and providing practical guidance, their goal was to ensure breaking the stigma surrounding menstruation, boost students confidence, and properly inform them about menstrual health.

She thanked the management of Gbaja Girls Senior Secondary School and its students for their collaboration and support, while commending District IV, Lagos State saying the programme would not have been a success without them.

Ezenwankwo stated that Herccess remains committed to promoting menstrual health and hygiene education and looks forward to further collaboration with schools and communities in the future. “One of our many aims and objectives is to create a safe space for women and girls to actively engage without judgment,” she said.


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