Hoarding: WFP to stop buying food in Nigeria

Food stuffs SOURCE: NaijaPriceCheck

Due to hoarding by food vendors, the World Food Programme (WFP) of the United Nations is reviewing its local food procurement and will only buy food in Nigeria when the prices become stable.
In a statement, yesterday, the organisation disclosed that a monitoring exercise in Borno, Yobe and Kano states revealed rise in food inflation is posing greater stress on displaced populations, who are unable to farm.
WFP’s Country Director and Representative in Nigeria, David Stevenson, said the group had limited stock of food to continue its operations and would only purchase food for local markets in Nigeria when prices stabilise.
He stated: “We are aware of traders hoarding food in their warehouses, pretending it is WFP’s. This is inaccurate, as WFP has its limited stock only available to continue supporting the most vulnerable Nigerians with critical assistance.
“We are undertaking a comprehensive review of our local food procurement. WFP will purchase food in Nigeria only when the market conditions are stable for all.”

The group stated it targeted reaching 1.1 million people across Nigeria and hopes to increase to 1.6 million between June and August, a period known as “the lean season”.


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