Holiness and its benefits

Prophet Azuka
Kingdom Power, as a church, started the foundation of this year in January with holiness. It is an ideal thing to fill the foundation already laid with holiness. This, no doubt, will enable us to have a solid structure at the end. Obviously, holiness comes with many benefits that will enable believers to see God on the last day.

Holiness is the strength of a believer. It is holiness that made Moses to walk closely with the Lord. In fact, as a result of this, he was opportuned to see the back view of the Lord physically. Holiness gives believers eternal life. It is worth pursuing because in it we have every other thing we need in life. But when a man leaves holiness, the reverse becomes the case; he nosedives in all his endeavours. Unfortunately, man has left holiness in pursuit of worldly gains that are ephemeral and have no eternal value.

The devil knows the efficacy of holiness, which is why he does everything possible to hinder man from attaining it. In fact, he is using his agents on the pulpits to establish that living a holy lifestyle is not possible. On the other hand, if ministers of the gospel understand the power of holiness, they will never be engaged in unscriptural practices in a bid to acquire power.

The general overseers and senior pastors who claimed to be deliverance ministers should know that what brought Jesus Christ to this earth is holiness. External actions and manifestations cannot take the place of holiness. Holiness remains the fulcrum of Christian faith. A church is supposed to be a place where holiness reigns; it should be a citadel of holiness and righteousness. The mystery yet to be deciphered is how the devil has been able to deceive man that holiness is not attainable. On the contrary, holiness is man’s natural habitation because man was made with the capacity to live a holy life. The “capacity” here is the image of God; God created man in His own image and the image of God for which He created man is holiness.

Sicknesses, diseases and infirmities came as a result of sin. As soon as man left his natural habitation, which is holiness, the above ugly conditions set in. There is no sickness or death to that man who has found his way back to holiness. Everything that man needs in life is in holiness. Those living in sin are dead; they should repent and delve deeper into holiness. Without holiness, no man can access good things from the Lord.

Success, prosperity, harvest on every side and abundance, are dependent on holiness. Any peace at the expense of holiness must be thrown to the dustbin. Peace is good when it is covered with holiness. There is no lack and poverty in holiness. Adam never knew poverty until he lost his place in the Garden of Eden.

Pursue holiness and peace today with all vigour for without them no man shall see the Lord.

• Further reading: Exo. 33:18-23; Gen. 1:26-27; 1: 11-12; Jn. 11:23-26; 8:24; Mt 15:26; Heb.12:14; Jude 1:3; 2 Tim. 4:6-7; Mk 15:1-5; Mt. 27:11-14; Acts 7:57-60; Mt. 22:23-30; Eph. 5:22-24; Gen. 3:16-19. You can fellowship with us @ Kingdom Power International Christian Praying Centre, 65, Oluwatedo Estate, Isashi, Ojo, Lagos State. For details of our programmes visit: @www.kpicpc.org. You can also follow us live on Facebook @kpicpc & YouTube @ kpicpc.


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