How FMN Is at the forefront of driving Food Security in Nigeria through innovation

For a process to be considered innovative it must be useful and novel. It is in its usefulness and novelty that one can meaningfully distinguish an idea or an initiative from being merely creative. Progressively, as the global demand for innovation continues to improve, the word ‘innovative’ is sometimes used as a mere buzzword to depict dazzling suggestions that tickle each generational fancy.

The continued quest for innovation is driven by the understanding that processes and businesses need to keep reinventing themselves to maintain relevance and viability. As humans evolve, needs and expectations evolve too, and the onus is on humanity to create value across various touchpoints to successfully meet human needs and satiate certain wants.

It is based on this understanding that Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc (FMN) continues to sustainably feeding the nation, everyday by creating processes and strategies that are novel and useful to our various stakeholders. As a business that has remained a source of livelihood for millions of Nigerian families for over six decades, we firmly believe that fostering a culture of innovation is pivotal to unlocking sustainable food systems and driving food self-sufficiency in Nigeria and across the continent.

This commitment is manifested through the FMN Prize for Innovation (PFI) initiative, a project designed to encourage new ideas and innovations in the Food and Agro-allied sector in Nigeria and across the continent and how these can impact and enable sustainable food systems in the continent.

The FMN Prize for Innovation (PFI) is a strategic and deliberate effort geared toward revolutionizing and attaining food sustainability in Nigeria, and eventually across Africa. The Group, through this tech-table initiative, launched the PFI to seek out, identify, and support innovators who are reinventing food production and processing in Nigeria. Since its inception in 2021, the Group has financially, technically, and strategically supported eight Innovators and Businesses, investing over N200,000,000 (Two Hundred Million Naira)

The maiden edition of the FMN Prize for Innovation, launched in December 2021, centered on the theme “Enabling Sustainable Food Systems.” With a focus on curbing losses and waste in the food production process, this competition sought to unearth pioneering solutions that could streamline our agricultural value chains. The winning entries were awarded a grand prize of ₦3 million and N1 million for the winner and first runner up respectively. Their entries specifically addressed the thematic focus of the season and met all the Judges’ criteria for winning.

The businesses that won the first season of the FMN Prize for Innovation (PFI) are Urban Akwu Agro-allied Limited founded and owned by Chuks Ogbonna & Emezulem Amadi and Eupepsia Place Limited, founded and owned by Samson Ogbole who is into Soilless farming called hydroponics.

Building on this success, the second season of the FMN Prize for Innovation was anchored on the theme “Innovative Techniques for Local Content Development in the Food and Agro-Allied Sector.” Recognizing the importance of reducing our reliance on imported raw materials, this edition challenged participants to conceptualize unique solutions that could bolster local capacities and empower communities.

The aim was to catalyze a paradigm shift towards sustainable food production, fueled by homegrown innovations. The winning entries secured a ₦5 million prize, ₦3 million, and ₦2 million for the grand winner, first and second runners up respectively. Their invention showcased the depth of talent and creativity within Nigeria’s entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Osomobegbe Global Ventures Limited by Eugene Olumese Osomobegbe, a Design and fabrication of highly efficient solar dryers clinched the first position for the second season of the PFI and won the Prize money of ₦5 million. Palmark Syndicate Ltd, producers of tomato powder from tomato fruit by Musa Pashi Ali won the second-place prize of ₦3 million. And Indigo Farms and BioResourcest, producers of Cassava residue Pellets for Animal Feeds by Damilare Jacob Ogundipe secured third place by winning ₦2 million.

Entries across these first two seasons spanned a wide array of groundbreaking concepts, from solar-powered storage systems and hydroponic farming solutions to bio-recycling plants and novel methods of generating electricity from food waste. These diverse inventions underscored the boundless potential for innovation to reshape Nigeria’s agricultural narrative.

The third edition of the FMN Prize for Innovation, which recently concluded, maintained the Group’s steadfast commitment to entrenching sustainable food systems in Nigeria that guarantee the drive for food self-sufficiency. Under the theme “Driving Food Self-Sufficiency in Nigeria Through Precision Agriculture,” the Group once again attracted novel and useful innovations in the agricultural sector in Nigeria and practically provided the winners with an enabling environment to thrive.

After an intense and highly competitive pitch session, the Group through the Judges awarded D-Olivette, a waste to bio-gas conversion company by Tunde Adeyemi the prize money of ₦5 million. Green Eden Farms Ltd, a precision agriculture greenhouse farming company by Stephanie Meltus prize money of ₦3 million, and Farmspace Action Lab, a soil testing company by Tijjani Ali Lawal.

The impact of the FMN Prize for Innovation extends far beyond the confines of the competition itself. All beneficiaries’ businesses have experienced remarkable growth, with their operations expanding by over 200% since receiving the prize money and resources from FMN. This tangible success is a resounding affirmation of our belief in the power of innovation to catalyze sustainable development.

As we forge ahead, FMN remains steadfastly committed to nurturing a culture of innovation that propels Nigeria towards food self-sufficiency. Through continued investment in local content development for over six decades, FMN is unquestionably at the forefront of driving food self-sufficiency not just in Nigeria, but progressively within the continent. And the Group’s strategic roadmap is the utilization of innovation to entrench sustainable food systems.


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