How I used Facebook to propose to my bride — Bauchi groom

Yakubu Philemon,and his wife, Mrs. Philemon

The newly wedded groom in Bauchi State has revealed how he could not approach the love of his life due to shyness and resorted to using the Facebook app to propose to one of his church members whom he had been in love with.

Philemon Yakubu, who got married to his wife, Mrs. Philemon, in grand style at St. Matthew’s Barracks Church, School of Armoured of the Nigerian Army Barracks, Bauchi, on Saturday, June 1st, said that he was intimidated by his wife’s physique.

He said, “We met at church. I had been noticing her. You know when a man is looking for someone to settle down with, he talks to this girl and talks to that girl, and then at the end of the day, I felt those ones would not be suitable.

“Even though it was somewhat intimidating, I couldn’t muster the courage to talk to her because of her nature and looking at me as one who has a small stature. Then I just summoned courage. I didn’t have the boldness in the first place.

“I had to reach out to her through Facebook. That’s how we started. She wanted to play hard to get, but as God would have it, she accepted.”

He said that he loves his wife because of many things, pointing out that she’s a dedicated Sunday school teacher. “I felt this woman is suitable for me because she will understand my children better and will know how to bring them up in a godly way,” he added.

He also mentioned that her beauty attracted him. Philemon said she’s all that he wanted. “Above all, she is a God-fearing woman.”

He said that both of them enjoyed acceptance from their parents, who they said are people that believe in the choice of their children, provided they love each other.

“Some will say you have to marry within your tribe, some will say you have to choose this person. My parents supported my decision. When I introduced her to them, they accepted her.”

Also speaking, the bride, Mrs. Philemon, said that she almost rejected him due to her bitter experience from another man who broke up with her.

“I didn’t want to accept his proposal because he approached me when I had just come out of a relationship that didn’t work out. I felt ‘all men are the same’, let me not rush to make another mistake.

“People encouraged me to reach out to him because he lacked the courage to propose to me. I said it is an abomination for an African woman to do that. He later proposed using Facebook, and that’s how we started.”


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