How missing manholes, slabs endanger pedestrians

Missing slab

Sola was trekking to Oshodi from Toyota Bus Stop, but midway into her journey she almost fell into the drainage because one of the manholes along the walkway on that corridor of the Apapa-Oshodi Expressway was missing. This was also because the streetlights were not working which hampered her visibility.

But it is not only that manhole that was missing, she later observed. Many other roads across Lagos, the manholes and slabs were either removed or not provided by the construction company and government. And this has dire consequences for residents, especially pedestrians at night.

A typical example is the walkway on the left of Isaac John Street in Ikeja GRA. Moving from the Country Club axis of the GRA area down to Radisson Blu Hotel and beyond, majority of the manholes have disappeared. Thus, unavailable slabs and manholes leave very dangerously naked deep holes along the walkway.

When The Guardian inquired from a woman, called mama Suraju, selling some items by the side of the walkway at the beginning of the street, if the deep holes have ever poses a threat to people walking on the slabs, her response  was laddered with lamentation of those that had fallen victim of the avoidable danger.

“We have the history of a number of innocent people that had fallen into the drains. It always breaks one’s heart whenever such accident occurs. We are pleading with the government to immediately come and replace the missing slabs and save lives.

“The arm of the government responsible for this should wake up and think of the consequence of falling inside this type of deep hole. They should send their workers to just come to see the holes, how deep they are, probably this would make them do the needful.

“Matters like this should not be delayed at all as we have a lot of commercial activities going on in this area. This is a busy axis that attracts a lot of people every day. So many victims could be found among those walking on the walkway early in the morning and those moving at night, especially those that are not familiar with this terrain.

“The government should listen to this clarion call and respond positively in earnest, “ she stated.

In some of the spots, it was observed that the slabs or concrete manholes were not stolen or removed but got broken. It was also noticed that in some places, bushy grass has grown and partially covering holes let behind as a result of the missing slabs.

A trader, called Isa, who frequent the Toyota-Oshodi route gives glory to God for His wonderful protection over people passing that area and other similar dangerous areas.
“This is where you cannot rule out God’s factor.  Were it not for God, the number of victims that would have fallen inside the hole would be alarming. Imagine someone coming along this way and deep in thought because of the situation of this country, oblivious of the deep hole covered with small bush of this nature.

“I am sure this type of dangerous spot is not limited to this axis. The government should have workers that are monitoring areas like this with a view to fixing this problem and avoid unnecessary and avoidable hazard.

“We call on the government to rise up to the challenge of protecting lives and carry out its duties here by clearing the bush and replace the missing slabs” he said
Similarly, the walkway along the Iyana Ipaja, towards Abule-Egba have missing slabs too.

Though the underneath hole is not very deep, the condition of the walkway constitutes a nuisance. It does not also mean that anyone who falls into any of the holes where the slabs are missing would smile out.

When the Commissioner for Information and Strategy, Lagos State, Mr. Gbenga Omotosho was contacted, he condemned the unathorised removal of slabs on walkways, as it endangers people’s lives.

“I will inform the Ministry of Transportation of this observation in order for them to send their officers to areas where we have such problem. Slabs on walkways are not supposed to be removed.  Definitely, those that are indulging in this type of activities are not good citizens of our state.

“Unfortunately, there is no way we would not have such people among us. For whatever reasons, slabs on the walkways are not supposed to be removed. Who knows, whether the culprits remove them to sell? Of course, if such people are caught, they will be made to face the wrath of the law.

“As I said, we will intimate the ministry of transportation to take charge,” he said.


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