‘How to achieve motherhood, career balance

Mother and child
Mother and child
A GROUP of women who participated at a recent seminar in Lagos have urged their folks to always strive hard to ensure they achieve balance between motherhood and their career.

Essentially, they encouraged their colleagues to deploy their ingenuity in ensuring that they perform their duties at home and in the office in such a way that one is not sacrificed for the other.

The one-day seminar, tagged Mamalette Live 2015 and took place at the Co-creation Hub, Lagos, was a mother’s forum organized by mamalette.com, a website that addresses issues of parenting and career advancement among women.

While sharing experiences, a member of the panel of speakers and Chief Executive Officer of Fate Foundation, Mrs. Adenike Adeyemi, told the gathering that in combining motherhood with career, she always has to be clever about time management. She advised mothers to “give adequate attention to their children, yet they should not shirk their career responsibilities.”

A broadcaster who is a widow, Mrs. Nkechi Macaulay, said since she lost her husband years ago, she decided to rise to the challenges. She disclosed how her father, who is in his 70,s has been helping her and how she had occasionally made her boss to see reasons she should be allowed to take time off to take care of her children. This became necessary, she added, because as a broadcaster, her schedule of duties could be in day or night shifts.

An oil and gas lawyer, Mrs. Temiloluwa Ojuwoa, said combining career with motherhood can be very tasking especially, in the first few years after marriage. “At home, I have to get food ready for my husband, take care of my baby and also go on the internet to get vital information for my job”. In doing all these, she said she had to get a nanny as her baby is just nine months. Her mum also assists her whenever she comes in.

