How To Make African Star Fruit Mocktail And Garlic Shrimp Sauce

African Star Fruit Mocktail
African star fruit, also known as Udara or Agbalumo in Igbo and Yoruba languages is back in season. A fruit that is enjoyed by many, there are several ways of enjoying this fruit and we will be exploring one of those:


• African Star Apple fruit (4)
• Coconut juice
• Pineapple juice
• Diced Ginger
• Bitter Lemon

1. Scoop the flesh of the African star fruit into a blender.
2. Add the Pineapple juice, Coconut juice, Ginger, and Lemon.
3. Blend until you get a smooth consistency. Use a sieve if it doesn’t have a smooth consistency.


Garlic Shrimp Sauce
Are you tired of thinking of new recipes to try other than the regular tomato sauce? You should try Garlic Shrimp sauce.

If you are new to the kitchen, love seafood, and want to impress your guest with an easy sauce, then this is one of your best bets.

• Garlic
• Shrimps
• Lemon juice (Optional. However, this helps)
• Oregano
• Unsalted butter
• Black pepper
• Chicken stock
• Parsley leaves
• Thyme (Optional)
• Seasoning cube

1. Mix shrimp with salt and seasoning cube. Stir until it is coated and you are sure it is properly spread.
2. Melt butter in a medium-sized pan over low medium heat.
3. Add the salted shrimp and pepper. Cook until you begin to notice it turn pink. Turn the other side to ensure it is properly cooked.
4. Add minced garlic, and thyme to the mix and stir until fragrant (45 seconds).
5. Pour your stock and bring to a boil. Add lemon juice and reduce the heat.
6. Turn off heat and add parsley.
7. Pour your stock and bring to a boil. Add lemon juice and reduce the heat.


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