How To Prepare Clams The Nigerian Way

In the vibrant tapestry of Nigerian cuisine, seafood holds a special place, offering a rich array of flavours and textures that reflect the country’s coastal heritage.

One such culinary delight is the preparation of clams, a dish that embodies the essence of Nigerian coastal cooking. Join us, as we explore the traditional methods and distinctive flavours of preparing clams the Nigerian way.

Ingredients You’ll Need
Fresh clams (littlenecks or Manila clams work well)
Palm oil or vegetable oil
Onions, finely chopped
Fresh tomatoes, diced
Scotch bonnet peppers (or any hot pepper of your choice), minced
Garlic, minced
Ginger, grated
Stock or water
Seasonings: bouillon cubes, salt, black pepper
Fresh herbs (optional) Scent leaves or ‘Utazi’ for garnish

Step-by-Step Preparation
Cleaning the Clams: Begin by cleaning the clams thoroughly under cold running water, removing any sand or debris from the shells. Soaking the clams in cold water with a sprinkle of salt for 20-30 minutes can help encourage them to expel any sand trapped inside.

Prepping The Ingredients: Finely chop the onions, dice the tomatoes, mince the garlic, and grate the ginger. If using Scotch bonnet peppers, be sure to handle them with caution or wear gloves to avoid irritation.

Cooking The Base: In a large pot or skillet, heat palm oil or vegetable oil over medium heat. Add the chopped onions and sauté until softened and translucent. Stir in the minced garlic, grated ginger, and minced Scotch bonnet peppers, cooking for an additional 1-2 minutes until fragrant.

Adding The Tomatoes: Add the diced tomatoes to the pot, stirring well to combine with the aromatics. Cook until the tomatoes break down and release their juices, creating a flavourful base for the dish.

Seasoning The Base: Season the tomato mixture with bouillon cubes, salt, and black pepper to taste. Adjust the seasoning according to your preferences, keeping in mind the natural saltiness of the clams.

Adding The Clams: Once the tomato mixture is well seasoned and simmering, carefully add the cleaned clams to the pot, stirring gently to coat them in the flavourful sauce. Add enough stock or water to partially cover the clams, allowing them to steam and cook in the liquid.

Simmering To Perfection: Cover the pot and simmer the clams over medium-low heat for 5-7 minutes, or until the clams have opened and are cooked through. Discard any clams that do not open during cooking, as they may be unsafe to eat.

Finishing Touches: Once the clams are cooked, taste the sauce and adjust the seasoning if necessary. If desired, garnish with fresh herbs such as scent leaves, Utasi or parsley for a pop of colour and flavour.

Serving Suggestions

Serve the Nigerian-style clams hot, either as a standalone dish or alongside steamed rice, boiled yams, or Nigerian fufu for a complete meal.

Don’t forget to provide some crusty bread or Nigerian-style flatbread (such as Agege bread) for soaking up the delicious sauce.

Preparing clams the Nigerian way is a celebration of bold flavours, vibrant colours, and rich culinary traditions. With simple ingredients and a few traditional techniques, you can recreate the magic of Nigerian coastal cuisine in your own kitchen.

So, gather your ingredients, embrace the flavours of Nigeria, and embark on a culinary journey that will tantalise your taste buds and transport you to the shores of West Africa. Bon appétit!

