How Wuyi CPPCC enhances grassroots politics, accelerates development

It was an entirely different but admirable experience last Friday for African media representatives to watch members of the ruling party in the Republic of China, deliberate on issues of grassroots development.

It was one of the meetings of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Tantou Village in Wuyi County of Zhejiang Province, with business groups comprising of representatives of business owners in the county, who have come to discuss some of their developmental ideas with the conference members.

Walking through a narrow, village road to the ancient structure that houses the meeting, the committee, presided over by Li Yangyong, sat impressively, every member dressed in the usual white shirt and ready to entertain questions from the business groups.

Prior to the meeting, correspondents would have been transmitted, stating most of the questions on the guidelines and rules of engagement for the private sector operators in grassroots development.

This process explained the smooth nature of the meeting and prompt answers to questions on the modalities of projects.

The session was quick and precise, devoid of unnecessary protocols. The atmosphere was serene and without tension. It was a form of interaction among ‘like minds’ whose goal was people-oriented.

The committee is expected to transmit the report of the session to relevant agencies and authorities, that will detail guidelines for the private sector operators.

For the tourism development group, such questions as car park, office decoration, environment beautification, among other issues were raised.

Speaking on the use of the ancient building for the day’s meeting, Yangyong said it was a way of showcasing the rich cultural heritage of the people.

Although there were touches of modernization, the building bore witness to ancient civilization of the people; the heavy wood that served as pillars, the stones that formed the walls and the broken old fashioned floor tiles deprived of aesthetics make the structure unique and in a class of its own.

The visit to the village and witnessing the forum was part of the events to mark the 8th China-Africa Youth Festival that held between May 20 and 26.

Welcoming guests, Yangyong said the exercise was the best county’s sample of China’s poverty reduction strategic innovations. According to him, the strategy was

promoted in South Africa at the World Summit on Sustainable Development and the Global Poverty Reduction Conference.

“It has also attracted government officials from 34 countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America to come to Wuyi to communicate,” he said.

Describing the village as a global example of human settlement and a demonstration village for rural governance in China, he stated that the CPPCC is an important channel for socialist consultative democracy.

“Today, we hold the ‘People’s Livelihood Consultation Hall’ activity here, which is an innovative practice of the CPPCC’s participation in the whole process of people’s democracy and grassroots social governance. The function is to serve as a platform to discuss politics, a channel to unit people’s hearts, a window to reflect public opinions and a bridge to serve the public.

“It makes the CPPCC consultation extend to the township level, opens up the effective service channel of CPPCC consultation for grassroots governance and realizes that the public can participate in the whole process of issues related to their own vital interests, which highlights the true essence of democracy that issues related to the people should be discussed by the people”, Yangyong said.

He later broke down the steps of the ‘People’s Livelihood Consultation Hall’ into six.

They include the determination of topics about urgent, difficult, worrying, and desired livelihood issues; forming consultation activity plans; conducting research and investigation before consultation; invite government departments, committee members and relevant interest groups to consult.

Upon consultation, the fifth step is to sort out opinions and submit them to relevant townships and government departments. Within three months after consultation, relevant departments and townships will give the feedback to the people as the final step.

“Meanwhile, during the practice to solve difficult issues such as regional commonality and assistance development, our county has innovated a cross-regional consultation mechanism of ‘six joints’. They are, joint determination of topics; joint review of plans; joint investigation; joint consultation; joint sharing of achievements as well as joint supervision.

“Our experience was selected as an “innovation case” for the work of the CPPCC in 2022,” Yangyong said.

Speaking about the features of ‘People’s Livelihood Consultation Hall’, Yangyong held that in line with the requirements of ‘consultation for the people’, the CPPCC adheres to the guidance of consultation matters based on the needs of the people.

“We select issues of people’s interests, especially those related to grassroots public services, public welfare undertakings and the issues of general concern such as service for the old people and the kids and setting up street lights.”

The main participants in the consultation are committee members of the CPPCC, government departments, township leaders as well as experts. Representatives from the public are also invited to participate.

Meanwhile, the consultation venue is flexible and can hold anywhere that is conducive to problem-solving.

“Consultation can be both online and offline; it can be used in a fixed location as well as in the fields, courtyards, workshops, and other places.

“Also, we focus on effectiveness. Through face-to-face discussion, the People’s Livelihood Consultation Hall strives to reach the widest consensus, transform the consultation results into decisions of the government, practical projects related to people’s livelihoods, and improving social governance.”

Acknowledging that there is no a development model that is universally applicable, Yangyong informed that every country follows its own development path that is supported by the people and in line with its national conditions.

“The forms of democracy can be diversified, and it is impossible to have a same approach. That a country is democratic or not is judged by its own people. Only what suits them is the best and only the system that suits their nation is the most reliable and effective.”

Yangyong urged every country to base its approach on its national conditions and explore the democratic forms and models most suitable for its country to enable the people enjoy their rights and freedom.

The CPPCC platform aims to fully utilize the institutional advantages and governance efficacy of the system. It extends CPPCC consultations to the grassroots level and has become a prominent and an influential hallmark of the CPPCC work in the province.

Since 2022, the Wuyi County CPPCC has adhered to a problem-oriented approach, focusing on the challenges of the cross-township consultations.
