‘Human capital devt critical in repositioning NASENI’


Executive Vice Chairman/Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of National Agency for Science and Engineering Infrastructure (NASENI), Khalil Halilu, has stated that investing in human capital development and staff motivation remains the best way to reposition the agency into a power-house of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) at the global scene.

Halilu stated this in his keynote, at the opening ceremony of a five-day training for Information, New Media and Protocol staff of the agency, drawn from the Headquarters and Institutes, on New Media and Protocol Strategies for a Modern Government Agency in the 21st Century, yesterday, in Abuja.

He stated: “We are building a new NASENI, where one of the overarching goals is to have well-trained employees with knowledge and requisite technical, vocational and management skills required for the agency’s growth and technology advancement.

“This reorientation would equip us to bring to fruition the Renewed Hope agenda of President Bola Tinubu’s administration and the Eight Priority Areas of the administration.”

Buttressing the mandate of the agency, the NASENI boss noted that its mission is to drive Nigeria’s rapid industrialisation through the new three Cs of Collaboration, Creation and Commercialisation.


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