I built for God and he blessed me beyond measure

Pastor Lazarus Muoka preaching to a mammoth crowd.

My name is Brother Chibuzo Obi, beside me is my lovely wife. Our baby’s name is Sister Olivia Obi. We have being members of this ministry right from its inception and l believe, we will go from here to heaven. I have many testimonies, for the sake of time I will make them very brief. I am one of those that God has highly lifted in this ministry. There was this story that our G.O. told us about himself, in one of the workers’ meetings. He said, in his journey with God that there was a time things were so rough with him that he had to withdraw all the money in his bank account for God’s project and after the act, God opened doors of breakthrough for him.

Hearing this, I towed the same route; I withdrew all the money in my bank account for the building of our village church branch. On the day that the church was commissioned, G.O. prayed that: “God, bless the instrument you used to construct this branch church,” and I said amen. Not long, God began to bless me and, today, l have quite a good number of property here and there. However, this is not my main testimony.

The testimony that brought me here, is that I am a member of the Chair Department, and G.O gave us a plot of land near the conference hall to develop. We have started the building, but the work was at a snail speed. One day, our departmental leader called an emergency meeting and said that G.O. asked him three consecutive times if we would be able to build the house. Although, his answer was in the affirmative, he was afraid within himself of how to raise the money for the building. So, he constituted a building committee and made me the chairman. However, this was in my absence.
Not assured that we could raise the huge sum needed for the building, he advised we forget the idea of the building to handle something else.
When l got the knowledge of this, l told him we have to continue with the project. I then sold all my landed property and put the proceeds in the building project. As the project progressed, God gave me a business connection from where I made a profit of #16.5m. P-r-a-i-s-e, the Lord!
Not quite long, someone based abroad gave me a 2005 Sienna model worth #5,000,000. P-r-a-i-s-e, the Lord!
As I was still celebrating that, a sister connected me to the people that matter in this country, and l was awarded over #270,000,000:00 worth contract. Before this time, my wife was pregnant and the spirit of death was moving around her, I took her to G.O. and he prayed for her and she delivered safely, a bouncing baby girl. P-r-a-i-s-e, the Lord!
Almost two years ago, l applied for Canadian visa and nothing came out of it, but this time around, the same country called me and gave my wife and I a-three- year multiple visa. The God of Chosen is so great!
I must say that the God of Chosen has made me a multi-millionaire. I made a promise to God that if my wife delivered safely, I will give Him #1,000,000, and I am here to pay that vow. P-r-a-i-s-e, the Lord!
I pray may God continue to use our Pastor and also for him to finish well. The blessing of God will continue to be upon him and his family in Jesus’ name…Amen! At the end of this life, all of us will make heaven in Jesus’ name…Amen!
   • For more messages and testimonies: visit, https://www.tlccrm.org
