I can turn Nigeria into first world country, says Ohuabunwa

Sam Ohuabunwa PHOTO: Sam Ohuabunwa /

A presidential aspirant, Mazi Sam Ohuabunwa, has disclosed that he has a vision to make Nigeria become a first world nation that works for all.

Speaking in an interview with The Guardian, Ohuabunwa, who is contesting on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), added that he has the capacity to make Nigeria a nation where all citizens live in harmony and are treated equally to achieve peace and prosperity if elected.

He lamented that Nigeria was standing on its peak instead of its base, noting that a pyramid that stands on its peak instead of its base cannot be stable.

According to him, he joined the presidential race to salvage the situation, insisting that he has all it takes to lead the Nigeria out of the woods.

His words: “Since I began to understand English Language as a child, I have heard that Nigeria is a potentially rich country. We are coming to make sure that that potential is realised and not stolen. We are coming to make sure that it’s no longer hope that has turned into hopelessness in a number of cases.

“So, we are coming to enthrone a new Nigeria that will be a global player; a globally competitive nation. In fact, we want it to become a first world nation, industrialised just like the countries we were at the same level with in the 60s and 70s like Singapore, South Korea, Malaysia and even United Arab Emirates (UAE). Some of these countries were below us economically and developmentally, but because of our lack of consistent, enlightened, visionary, competent, leadership of integrity and courage, we have failed to realise this potential; and rather than move forward, we have rather stagnated or retrogressed.

“Nigeria has become a laughing stock in the comity of nations; we have become the poverty capital of the world with 71 per cent of Nigerians regarded as poor. We have become a country with one of the highest levels of unemployment, with 53 per cent of Nigerian youths unemployed. Insecurity has become our second nature; before Nigeria was known particularly as a corrupt nation, now we have become known as an insecure nation where bandits and terrorist groups arise every other day and they seem to go around doing their business without much let or hindrance.

“So, my team and I have come to the conclusion that we cannot standby waiting, wishing, praying, mourning and complaining that somebody hasn’t done something while we think we have the capacity, capability, strength and all that it takes to turn our country around and change the narrative once and for all. We want to take Nigeria out of the hand of wickedness and darkness that has enveloped her. We want to have a future for our children and grand children. “

Ohabunwa said he has penned down his vision for the country, adding that no presidential aspirant in the country had done that in the past.

“I haven’t seen that. What you hear is when it comes to party manifesto and people will come to the stadium and on radio and read what they didn’t write and what they don’t believe in. I haven’t seen a presidential candidate in the country who visited me or came to anywhere I was and gave me a paper and said, ‘this is my vision for the country.’ So, people just speak glibly. I have a vision and that is the vision that I am communicating; and I am communicating it because that is what I believe in. This is not party manifesto; it is my vision,” he noted.

He identified poverty, corruption, injustice and insecurity as the “four demons buffeting Nigeria”, noting if the country could deal with the demons, Nigerians would sing a new song.


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