I don’t toy with rendering help to poor people – Swag Omoluabi

Ipadeola Abiodun Oriyomi, also known as Swag Omoluabi

Different things matter to different people in life, and for successful people, they will brag about it and do whatever it takes to sustain that lifestyle. But for Ipadeola Abiodun Oriyomi, popularly referred to as Swag Omoluabi, the ultimate is helping the poor and ensuring they have food on their table.

For Swag Omoluabi, it is an obligation, a duty to humanity and society; one that supersedes every other thing; a passion born out of past struggles from humble beginnings which metamorphosed into ‘operation feed the hungry and cater for the vulnerable.’

This ardent humanitarian has a philosophy of nobody should be on the street hungry, and has on countless occasions shared cash gifts to the needy during charity outreaches in Lagos.

The brand influencer also deploys his social media handles to reach out to provide financial assistance to those in dire situations.

Swag Omoluabi revealed that his mother, the pains of being denied the basic things of life at the slum he grew up, as well as the hard work people from that slum put in everyday to survive, are his major motivations.

“My mother and the environment I grew up really motivated me. Giving out is one of the things I don’t play with. I grew up in an area called Ghetto Badia. We have lot of struggling mothers and fathers that work very hard and smart; those parents motivated me,” Swag Omoluabi said in a recent interview.

The graduate of the Lagos State Polytechnic has a giving spirit different from what is common. Few other people too engage in humanitarian services but he has taken his to a totally different level.

Swag Omoluabi emphasised that the poor are part of society, adding that he has been showing care for them even before Mother Luck smiled on him.

“I feed the people on the streets as well as homeless people. They are part of us. Their story may not just be the same with us what we can do is to support them in every little way we can”, Swag Omoluabi stated.

“I give out because all fingers are not equal and we all need to sustain this,” he said, when asked of the philosophy behind his philanthropy. I just love giving right from time”

“My street outreach to connect with the downtrodden has been a success and it gives me joy and sense of fulfilment. I want to see myself living for the poor in society. They are all human beings who deserve our love, care, attention and support materially,” Swag Omoluabi added.


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