I envision elevating small businesses with tech support across Canada – Ruth Aliu

Ruth Aliu

Ruth Aliu, a dynamic trailblazer in the tech industry, is the visionary founder of Techity Consulting, a cornerstone of IT expertise catering to small business owners across Canada. Specialising in website maintenance/integration services, managed tech support, and cybersecurity solutions, Ruth has become a driving force behind the success of numerous entrepreneurs navigating the digital landscape. With over a decade of hands-on experience spanning technology support, cybersecurity, and programme management, Ruth’s journey serves as a testament to her unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation. To her, the role of entrepreneurs in the ever-evolving tech landscape goes beyond adaptation—it’s about thriving. Positioned at the forefront, Ruth guides businesses toward success through the transformative power of technology. In this interview with Esther Ijewere, she shares her story.

The Pivotal Moments That Sparked Inception Of Techity Consulting
When the pandemic began, many small business owners (including friends and acquaintances) needed help operating their businesses successfully without human interaction. This forced them to explore setting up online presence across social media platforms and, in some cases, websites where customers could shop for their products for curbside pickup/delivery.
With this sudden shift in operations, I started getting inquiries about different components of setting up a business online/website and utilising various digital tools and applications. As a result of my education (Bachelor’s and Master’s in Information Technology/Security), I have always been the go-to person for any tech-related issues within my circle. I then identified that I had a unique skill of offering digital solutions to their business needs, which informed my decision to start Techity Consulting in May 2021.

Exploring Transformative Power Of Technology In Empowering Entrepreneurs
Technology is not just a catalyst but an integral part of business growth, especially in the current digital economy. Technology opens small businesses to broader markets beyond their local vicinity. With the rapid growth in business tools and software across different price points, small business owners can find the technology solution that is best suited for them at every stage of their business and leverage it to create efficient processes, procedures and workflows for their companies, thereby, saving time and in turn increasing revenue. With tools that provide reports on trends and customer analytics as part of their offerings, small businesses can make data-driven decisions and forecasts that are best for the company.

A Decade Of Experience In Technology Support, Cybersecurity, Programme Management
Over the past decade, the tech landscape has seen rapid growth, inventions and evolution. New fields in computing, including cybersecurity, cloud computing, and big data, have emerged and are now the foundation of any business with an online presence. I have adapted over the years by constantly staying informed about the lifecycle of existing hardware and software and emerging technologies via social media, tech newsletter subscriptions and relevant professional memberships. I have also learned how to unlearn and relearn new ways of utilising new applications, software and devices to ensure I remain relevant in the tech landscape.

Ruth’s Role In Shaping The Future Generation Of Tech Enthusiasts
I’m keen on using technology to solve problems and empowering people with the knowledge of how to use technology that is best fit for their business safely and securely. Technological innovations are happening across the world every single day. While one may feel comfortable using manual methods of conducting and managing their businesses, it would only be sustainable in the short run. I aim to inspire the next generation of tech enthusiasts to feel less intimidated by the plethora of software solutions they see on Page 1 of Google and more empowered to make informed choices on the best tools that work for them. My role at Parents for Diversity allows me to leverage my field experience in setting up systems and workflows to support advocating for schools, families and communities to promote equity and inclusive education.
Fostering an inclusive tech ecosystem is something that Techity Consulting wants to be part of promoting. This is by providing accessible technology support to small businesses that want to level up their businesses using automation and the software solutions best suited for them without going bankrupt.

Techity Consulting’s National Recognition in platforms such as Invest Ottawa, Black Professionals in Tech Network, and Canadian SME magazine.
I am a person of faith and genuinely believe that God orders my steps to be in the right place, at the right time, with the right people doing the right things.
Networking, networking, networking! People are genuinely excited about what Techity Consulting offers and quickly mention our name in rooms when we are not there. This constantly pushes us to focus on consistently providing high-quality services to our customers and setting clear expectations when we cannot provide the requested service.
I am also learning not to underestimate any opportunity. Heads, I win; tails, I know better. I also like being part of communities with mutual interests, goals, and dreams.

A Success Story In Thriving Through Technology Transformation
Absolutely. One of the client success stories that comes to mind was how Techity Consulting was able to leverage existing tools in WordPress and Mailchimp to create a landing page for a coaching program and create an automated workflow for enrollment, payments and program management.
Navigating Challenges, Championing Diversity As A Woman In Tech
I have learned to wear my big girl pants, speak up, stand out, and prove myself in a male-dominated environment while staying true to myself and my values.
According to Statistics Canada, 34 per cent of Canadians with STEM degrees are women. They make up only 23 per cent of Canadians working in science and technology. While we advocate and look forward to more women in STEM, I am grateful for organisations like The Forum, Women in Security & Privacy, and Women in Communications Technology, where I can network, collaborate and learn from other women in tech and advocate for a more equitable and inclusive tech industry.
My advice for other women who want to make a mark in the tech industry is don’t be intimidated! You are intelligent and capable of doing seemingly complex things. Don’t self-sabotage without putting your foot forward and doing your best at whatever role you take up.
You are your most prominent advocate, so don’t be afraid to speak up and highlight your wins and achievements, no matter how uncomfortable it may feel. Most importantly, support and empower other women in tech, as we are stronger together than apart.

Drive To Excel In Website Maintenance, Tech Support, Cybersecurity For Small Business Owners In Canada
The focus on these particular areas resulted from identifying that small business owners wear many hats and need more time, knowledge, and patience to set up and maintain the technology they use for their businesses.
Techity Consulting offers website integration services to help small businesses enhance their online presence, reach more customers, and stay ahead of the latest trends and technologies. This service offering helps small businesses save time and money by eliminating manual processes and improving efficiency.
Techity Consulting provides managed IT support services tailored to the needs and budgets of small businesses. These services help small businesses set up and maintain their SaaS (Software as a Service) solutions and websites, troubleshoot software and hardware issues, and secure their data, allowing them to focus on their strengths and what they do best.

With the rapid increase in cyber threats and data compromise and as compliance requirements for regulated businesses evolve, ensuring the security of business data and systems is a significant challenge for small businesses. Techity Consulting offers cybersecurity support to help small companies secure their business Gmail accounts and other digital assets.
Vision For Future Tech Trends And Ongoing Commitment To Excellence
Advancements in AI, cybersecurity and new software languages will continue as people explore technology and identify their limitations. As these advancements happen, Techity Consulting will be prepared to evolve and adapt to these changes as they become mainstream.
Ruth’s Aspirations For Techity Consulting, Shaping The Future Of Canadian Tech Landscape
I envision Techity Consulting as a tech support plug for small businesses across Canada, converting the business owner overwhelmed with technology to a business owner confident in navigating technology and incorporating technology to automate and simplify their business processes.
As a black woman who has worked in a male-dominated space without seeing people who look like me, I hope that black women in technology see me putting my foot forward, making a difference in the world and that it inspires them to do that seemingly impossible dream they have.
Techity Consulting is strategically positioned to continue revolutionising small business success through technology by equipping small businesses with the technology and the support they need to make their businesses digital. At the same time, they focus on what they do best.
By staying abreast of the top trends in tech, Techity Consulting is set to be a key player in the Canadian tech landscape in the coming years.
Inspirational Women Who Inspire Ruth
Confidence Staveley. I love the work she and her team are doing at CyberSafe foundation with the CyberGirls fellowship, where they empower women in Africa with globally sought-after cybersecurity skills, positioning them to start a cybersecurity career and helping them seize decent work opportunities.
Bukola Ajilore. She is the definition of unstoppable in human form. She is an example of resilience and consistency that I aspire to be.
Being A Woman Of Rubies
I am a valuable asset in any space I find myself; I have unique gifts that allow me to contribute to making the world a better place


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