Ignite The Spark In Your Relationship

I GOT a call from a friend last week asking me to write something about igniting the spark in your relationship for the re-launch of LUX fine fragrances and I didn’t need to think too hard because it’s something I do on a regular basis with my man. As a woman, you need to let your imagination go wild, you need to put your feminine powers to work and then you’ll see how much more satisfied you and your partner will be. Turning up the heat is not only in the bedroom, it is in every aspect of your relationship. Women have a lot of work to do in keeping the relationship together.

The best things in life, including relationships, take a bit of work. So when you are in a long-term relationship, it can be easy for the romance to fade. So, if you want to stay happy and remain in love, go through these guidelines I have learnt over the years.

Communication is key for every relationship. You should be able to talk to your partner about everything. And I mean absolutely everything. Whatever is on your mind, whether it’s trivial or a big issue, share it. You should always feel like your partner is your best friend.
Kiss Often

As a couple, you should make it a point of duty to start and finish each day with a kiss good morning or hello and good night or goodbye with a whole lot of kisses. Kissing encourages intimacy; it keeps the excitement in the relationship. If you start your day off with a mini make out session, you’ll most likely find yourself smiling and daydreaming throughout the day. When you kiss often, you’re reminding each other that the passion is still there.
Be Intimate

In order to keep the affection alive in the relationship, you must make time to be intimate. Being intimate with each other lets you reconnect and have a moment just for each other. It keeps you close and sexually satisfied.
Eat Together Often

Make time to eat together at least once in a day, and set the mood for a romantic scene. Light some candles, and enjoy each other’s company. Unwind together.

Dress in Comfy Clothes

It’s easy to remind yourselves that you’re still attracted to one another when you dress up for each other during the day to work but when you’re lounging around your home, wear little or no clothes or look for a pair of shorts and a top. Be as comfortable as you can be and also if anything is going to go down, your clothes will be easy to throw off. This exercise allows the relationship to maintain some sexiness.
Send Each Other Gifts

Occasional gifts are a sweet way to show someone that you adore them. Sending your woman flowers at work or cup cakes, is always a good idea. Gifting your man with a tie, cufflinks or one of his favourite bottles of alcohol is so appreciated. It’s the thought that counts, not the gift that’s important. When your partner receives a surprise gift with a sweet note, they feel special and are thinking about you all day.
Appreciate Each Other

Don’t hold back how you feel about each other. Saying how much you care reminds both of you why you started dating. No one ever dislikes hearing something such as “you’re amazing” or “I really care about you and feel so lucky to have you in my life.” Or a million other things you can think of to say to your partner.

Plan Dates Or Surprise Weekend Getaways

There’s nothing more sexy and appealing to a man than a woman in charge, a woman who calls the shots. Indulge in time that’s all about you two. Plan a weekend somewhere but don’t tell him where or when it is going to happen. Keep him on his toes. That way he would be looking forward to it. When you eventually do go for that getaway, share the occurrences of your daily lives, your interests, and your passions. For me, I like to add a bit of spice to it by having baths together or soaking in bath tubs together, with wonderful aromas of bath essentials and oils to help relax whilst gisting and laughing or listening to relaxing classical music. Remember to stay tuned into each other’s lives while on that trip.
Make Time To Laugh

Laughing together helps keep your relationship light and stress free. Couples that laugh together are more satisfied in their relationships, so bring on the jokes and silly comments.

Celebrate Everything

Celebrate the good and the bad. When you’re a supportive partner, everything seems special.
Make a List

Make a list of all the things you love about each other. Hang it up somewhere that you can both see it each day. Reminding yourself why you fell in love, is very essential.

The list is endless on what you can do to ignite the spark in your relationship. These are just my tips that I use to keep the love alive in mine.

To the loving relationship we all deserve. Good luck in life and love. Cheers.

