IGP Arase, thank you

Solomon Arase
SIR: When the media reported on May 7 that “IGP restores sick officer’s salary two years after”, I was dumbfounded as an administrator because the police put in oblivion the public service rules (PSRs) and also acted suo motu, i.e., on their own. Thank God for the police officer with F/No. 09527 W/sergeant Ajuma Ibrahim attached to Lagos State police command.

The Inspector General Solomon Arase’s attention was drawn to the sad situation by Brekete family, a reality radio and television talk show in Lagos and the IGP acted swiftly. Kudos to you, sir and a big thank you. No doubt, the IGP has regard and respect for the press. The French Emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte once said, “Four hostile newspapers are more feared than a thousand bayonets”. IGP Arase must also have believed in the words of Thomas Jefferson, Third American President (1801 – 1809) Democratic Republican who said he “prefers the press to his cabinet because the press will always tell him the truth”.

Nigerians and indeed officers and men of the police should be grateful and delighted that we all have such a resourceful, loving, caring, articulate, intelligent, reasonable and understanding IGP. Happily, the IGP also believes in the words of Martin Luther King Jnr. “Never, never be afraid to do what’s right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake”.

May I also use this opportunity to inform you sir that from various newspapers reports, deadly armed robbers continue to terrorize the people of Ubulu-Uku Kingdom in Aniocha South Local Government Area of Delta State. The robbers start from Uteogbeje junction to Obior and to Enugu-Iyi in Ubulu-Uku. Many people have been robbed and killed in the place. The people of Ubulu-Uku Kingdom no longer go about their agricultural business. We do hope the IGP will direct the Delta State Commissioner of Police and the Area Commander to map out strategies to urgently arrest the situation.
• Charles Soeze,
Effurun, Delta State.



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