I’ll continue to sponsor impactful bills, motions- Sen. Nwoko

Ned Nwoko

Sen. Ned Nwoko (PDP-Delta), has calmed frayed nerves of doubters over his continuous sponsoring of people-oriented and life-changing Bills and Motions with positive impact on the lives of Nigerians.

Nwoko, who represents Delta North Senatorial District, gave the assurance on Saturday in Abuja, in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN).

The lawmaker, who spoke on his stewardship in the last one year, said he had sponsored no fewer than 22 Motions and Bills.

“One of the motions called for sanctions over crude oil theft by dubious economic saboteurs.

“Others included a motion for the rehabilitation of the Asaba/Benin road, East-West Expressway, while another sought compensation for gas flaring.

“I have also sponsored a motion for security surveillance against kidnappers and peaceful resolution of IPOB and Boko Haram crises.

“Other motions included non-military intervention in the affairs of independent nations and repatriation for transatlantic slave trade and colonialism.

“I also sponsored a motion seeking redress for the grievous 1967 Asaba Massacre, while one insisted on Veto Power for African Nations at the UN Security Council.

“Another motion sought the establishment of Social Media Platform Offices in Nigeria for Economic Advancement and Conflict Resolution

“One equally sought the upgrade of all Federal Medical Centres and medical treatment of public servants exclusively within Nigeria.

“I also sponsored a Motion that asked for a ban on importation of non-essential goods,” he said.

Nwoko also disclosed that he sponsored a Bill seeking statutory approval for the voting rights of Nigerians in the Diaspora, and also asked for permanent seats for them in both chambers of the National Assembly.

He said he had also proposed a Bill for the establishment of a Waste Management and Malaria Eradication Agency.

“I also proposed a Bill for an Act to Establish the Nigerian Youth Entrepreneurship Programme with an agency for Oversight.

“Other Bills included One-Month Rent Limitation and Landlord Registry Act, Compulsory Professional Indemnity Act, Banks’ Capitalisation and Cashless Asset Acquisition Act.

“I also sponsored other bills like Self-Defense and Firearm Ownership Regulation Act, Coroners Systems Act and other Related Matters, and an Act Establishing the Parliamentary Governance System.

“I also sponsored a Bill for an Act to establish an additional Nigerian Defense Academy in Delta State, and an Act to Upgrade Ogwashi-Uku Polytechnic to a Federal University of Technology,” Nwoko said.

He opined that the Bill and Motions were “life-changing”, with national interest as their focus.

“I am keen on seeing all of them become laws that will translate into collective national development,” he said.


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