I’ll Win Grammy Award, Pryme Boasts


Nwabueze Promise Chibuike, better known by his stage name “Pryme” is a Nigerian artiste, excelling in both singing and songwriting. Pryme’s musical journey officially began in 2017 with the release of his debut single, “Trumpet,” a captivating piece that showcased his early talent.

However, his career reached new heights in 2018 when he collaborated with two giants of the African music scene, Davido and DMW’s Peruzzi, on the track “Kilode.” He tells his story in this interview and expressed optimism that winning a Grammy for him is a must.

What would you attribute your steady rise in the music industry to?

My steady rise in the industry can be attributed to when I had that song kilode featuring Davido and Peruzzi. That record changed my perspective about my career and my life for the better. I started to see myself as one who will break through the industry and keep it going.

What’s the inspiration behind your new single, “Lavida”?

The inspiration behind my song Lavida is all about happiness and good life. Same feeling I had when my producer and I were working on making the song. Lavida is a happy song. Talking about positivity and good life.

How would you describe your experience working with Kizz Daniel?

My experience working with kizz Daniel was a wonderful one. I learnt a lot and we really connected. It was great working with him, I like his work ethic and I picked up some things I learned from him and applied it to my music. He’s a great musician.

Growing up, were you born with a silver spoon?

I can’t say I was born with a silver spoon, but my dad was a real hustler, he worked hard to provide our every need till I got to the university. So, I wasn’t born with a silver spoon. I was born with a spoon alright, but not silver.

What would you say has changed about you since you became a music star?

Well, some things have changed about me, my attitude and approach to life has become clearer, my behavior around people changed a bit, I can no longer go to some places I used to go but my personality hasn’t changed, I’m still a cool guy.

Do you think your music has what it takes to gain international recognition, including winning awards such as Grammy, if yes, what are the elements?

Yes my music has what it takes to cut across the world. I make Afrobeat music originally, Afro soul to be precise, but soon you will witness the different dimensions I can go when it comes to music and Grammy is a must, it’s just a matter of time.

What do you consider your greatest fear in life?

My biggest fear in life is the possibility of something happening to my voice, although I know it’s highly unlikely.

How do you handle your Female fans, especially the admirers?

I handle my female fans really well. I love all my female fans. They inspire and motivate me to wanna make music they can relate to. I love them all and I appreciate their support so far.


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