I’m dead, I don’t exist any more — Paul Pogba’s Old video resurfaces

An old video of former Manchester United and Juventus midfielder, Paul Pogba has resurfaced, where he made unsettling statement to the football world.

In the widely circulated social media clip, the 31-year-old French international opens up about his emotional turmoil, declaring, “I’m over. I’m dead. Paul Pogba doesn’t exist anymore.”

The footage shows a visibly distressed Pogba in an outdoor setting, candidly discussing his loss of identity and passion for the sport.

READ ALSOFrance’s Paul Pogba handed four-year doping ban

“I don’t know who I am anymore. Football used to be my life, my passion. Now, it feels like I’ve lost myself,” he admitted.

The heartfelt revelation has prompted an outpouring of concern and support from fans and fellow athletes worldwide. However the video has nothing to do with the player’s current status and was part of an interview he did with Aljazeera back in 2023

Pogba, renowned for his exceptional skill on the pitch, has encountered numerous challenges throughout his career, from triumphs with top clubs and the French national team to personal and professional setbacks.

Once the most expensive football player in the world, he received a four-year ban from football following a doping offence.

The ban means Pogba will be unable to play until 2027, by which time he will be 34.

“Everything I have built in my professional career has been taken away from me,” he stated.

Pogba’s Old video though has gone viral, with some reports suggesting it is new. However the player has debunked the rumours that it is a part of an old video, he said such media houses are doing it for social media clicks, in his words;  “Old sarcastic comments were deceptively portrayed as authentic and recent to generate clicks, I am still alive guys, dont worry” he said in a story posted on his Instagram account via IlBianconero.


  • Kareem Azeez

    Kareem Azeez is a dynamic journalist with years of media experience, he crafts captivating content for social and digital platforms.


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