I’m proud of you, COAS tells troops in frontline

Hadin Kai

The Chief of Army Staff, (COAS), Lt.-Gen. Farouk Yahaya, on Monday hosted troops of North East Operation HADIN KAI to a luncheon to mark the Easter.

The feast was held at Maimalari Military Cantonment in Maiduguri.

Yahaya represented by Maj.-Gen. Ibrahim Ali, the Theatre Commander, said the luncheon was in keeping with the tradition of the Army, for the COAS to celebrate with troops in the frontline during festivities.

Yahaya said, “It is with gratitude to the Almighty God and indeed great pleasure for me to send this good will message and well wishes to my officers, soldiers and their families.

“Easter celebration is no doubt of great spiritual importance to Christian faithful worldwide because it’s a season of love, hope, sober reflection and above all fervent reflections and prayers to Almighty God.

“This year’s Easter celebration came at a unique period; Muslim faithful are also observing their mandatory fast of the Holy Month of Ramadan. It is therefore a season of immense spiritual importance to Christians and Muslims,” he said.

The COAS thanked the officers and soldiers for their tremendous efforts in tackling the numerous security challenges confronting the nation.

He hailed the troops for their commitment, dedication, courage, resilient professionalism and the will to succeed.

“I am indeed proud of you all and want to charge you to continue to remain focused, disciplined and loyal to constituted authority.


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