Imo Assembly to investigate suspected fake revenue consultants

The Imo House of Assembly has constituted a committee to investigate illegal revenue collection by suspected fake revenue consultants at dredging sites in the state.

This followed the adoption of a motion by Mr Eddy Obinna (APC- Aboh Mbaise) at plenary on Thursday.

Presenting the motion, Obinna stated that suspected fake revenue consultants have been extorting tipper drivers by collecting illegal fees at dredging sites in the state.

“This is against the procedure for revenue collection in the state as laid down by the state government in accordance with extant laws,” he said.

The lawmaker prayed the house to direct the state’s Commissioner for Mines and Solid Minerals to investigate the activities of the suspected illegal revenue consultants.

He also called for monitoring teams at dredging sites in the state to ensure that revenues accruable to the state were remitted to the treasury.

He called for an ad hoc committee to investigate the activities of the ministry with a view to unearth the suspected fake revenue consultants.

Mr Heclus Okoro (APC-Ohaji Egbema) supported the motion, saying that those indicted at the end of investigation should be brought to book to guard against future occurrences.

Mr Michael Njoku (APC- Ihitte Uboma) also supported the motion, saying that no effort should be spared in ensuring that all revenues were channeled to appropriate quarters.

Njoku said that the Federal Government’s allocation was not enough to fund massive infrastructure development in the state.

He added that the investigation should be extended to other ministries to uncover all other cases of possible illegal revenue collection.

The Speaker, Mr Kennedy Ibeh, assured that a thorough investigation would be carried out to ascertain the truth of the matter and set up a six member committee to handle the investigation.

Ibeh named the committee members as Mr Kanayo Onyemaechi, who would serve as Chairman, while Mr Eddy Obinna, Mr Emeka Nduka, Mr Heclus Okoro, Mr Michael Njoku and Mr Johnson Duru were members.

He directed the committee to report back in two weeks.


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