Indomie Fulfils Brand Promise In Indomitable Stickers Promo

IndomieOVER 20 consumers who participated in the Indomie ‘Stickers for Winners’ promo, heaved a sigh of relief as they were handsomely rewarded with Ipads at a press briefing in Lagos.

For the Indomitable Sticker Promo, participants were required to flash a particular code embedded in every Indomie pack. Once a participant flashed that code, the phone number is automatically saved in a database. Phone numbers are then randomly selected from the database for winners to emerge.

The Indomie brand, from the stables of Dufil Prima Foods Ltd, doled out 100 Ipads, 20,000 goody bags, 30,000 comic books and several other prizes. Children and parents expressed satisfaction during the event, which took place at the head office of Dufil Prima Foods Plc.

According to Mrs. Blessing Ifenze, a trader, the promo had seemed to her as a fraudulent exercise until she got to the presentation event.

“I never believed most promos in Nigeria because most times we are asked to bring money and eventually find out that it is a fraud. On two separate occasions, they have tried to dupe me and so when I got a call that my son had won an Ipad, I was very sceptical about the promo. However, all of that has changed now that I have come here to claim the Ipad. This shows that the Indomie brand delivers its promises,” she said.

Similarly, a young girl named Ifunaya Atuaya was happy that she followed her gut feeling. “Initially, my father was insistent that I refrain from playing the promo but I gave it a try. After some time, I got a call from an Indomie official who informed me that I have won an Ipad. Again, my father said that I should not pay attention to this caller as it could be a fraud.

However, I was consistent in my calls and eventually I received a call from the same official, informing me about today’s prize presentation event. I am very happy that all my efforts have paid off eventually,” she enthused.

Speaking at the prize presentation events, Brand Manager, Dufil, Mr. Amber Yadav, stated that the motivation for the Indomitable Sticker promo was essentially to put smiles on the faces of consumers by giving them the opportunity to win fantastic prizes. In the same vein, Manager Public Relations and Events Dufil, Mr. Tope Ashiwaju said the promo was about making consumers happy. His words: “As a brand, there are so many things we have lined up for our consumers. Indomie will continue to put smiles on the faces of Nigerians”.

