Indoor Gardens In 2022•••

Indoor Gardens
The pandemic and travel restrictions continue to deter many from venturing out, which in turn saw a rising interest in gardening. As people have to spend more time at home, the living space became an oasis for indoor plants. Offices have to be created as some people have to work from home, meaning the environment has to be more conducive, bringing lots of nature indoors.

Plants for wellness
It is known that plants generally help purify the air taking out carbon dioxide and other toxins out of the air replacing with clean oxygen. Plants not only beautify the home, they contribute to healthy living.

Blurring the lines between indoors and out
You’ve heard of bringing the outdoors in and bringing the indoors out- but why not both? So much time at home has led to gardeners realising that blurring the lines between indoors and out extends the living area. When you stop limiting your idea of “home” to the structure on your property and instead consider your entire property your home, you can create a strong sense of place and connection to the natural world you can set up “garden rooms” to extend your living space, providing you a place to get cozy while enjoying fresh air. Screen areas using tall shrubs or hanging plants to create the sense of enclosure you get indoors. Provide ample lighting with strings lights, up lighting, lanterns and outdoor lamps etc. get comfy. A lounge chair or hammock will make your space more hospitable.

Edible Gardening
For some gardeners, eating what you sow isn’t a new concept. But others are discovering the many benefits. Edible gardening is a perpetual trend, but always evolving – and so is the way gardeners approach it. An aspect of this trend that continues to rise in popularity is growing food from seed. One of the benefits of growing food from seed is involving youth in the experience. They are more likely to try new foods when they’ve witnessed the process. Kids are more likely to eat the food they’ve grown. You’ll be experiencing joy taking your food from seed to table which is fun.

Gardening for Wildlife
Gardeners have been striving to make their gardens more wildlife friendly for years. But it’s becoming more common for gardeners to be more intentional about every single thing they do not just put up a bird feeder and calling it done. They’re finding that you can have it both ways. A garden that’s beautiful and serves local wildlife.

For Inspiration ?
You can reduce or replace your lawn with alternatives that do more to support pollinators, wildlife. and soil health. Include water features that provide a place for wildlife to visit. Use diverse mix of plants that thrive in your locality.

Creating gardens for peace of mind
By now most of us know that gardens are good for our manta l health. But while saying we’ll spend more time in our gardens is one thing, doing it is a difficult story. That is why gardens are becoming more intentional about what elements they add to their garden, carefully selecting pieces that will draw them in.
Get sentimental if there is a plant that evokes fond memories of a loved one, find a place for it. Include colors that make you feel good. Decede which colors you do and do not want and keep that in mind as you select plants.

Maximizing small space: balconies and porches
If the gardens of your home are limited to a balcony or porch, here is one way to fit a lot of plants into a balcony garden or other smaller outdoor space: include large shelves for smaller plants such as herbs and annuals. Affix chicken wire to your railing to grown vines or other climbing plants, hang pots from the roof of your space.
Put plant hangers on a railing, mix edibles and ornamental plants in containers to conserve space

Create sensory connections
Include scented plants near space where you frequently spend time. Incorporate plants with soft textures near pathways so they brush up against you as you walk through your garden. Add the sound of water or plants such as ornamental grasses that make a lovely rusting sound in the breeze. With the increased interest in home improvement, people are starting to look to their garden for enjoyment all year so what is the forecast for 2022?
The trendiest thing you can do in your garden is whatever makes you happy.



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