INEC Results: Live Updates As Jega Announces Results Of Election 2015 At Press Conference


Keep refreshing this page to get updates on the Live Media Briefing where Jega announces the results:

Updated every 5 minutes

  • 2:01 PM – Presentation of party candidates
  • 2:03 PM – INEC Chairman takes the stage to introduce himself and the guidelines
  • 2:15 PM – Jega is giving highlights about how the coalition officers guideline has helped with calculating the results.
  • 2:16 PM – Jega shows the press the blank sheets
  • 2:16 PM – Jega says there are 19 procedures that the Collation officers followed
  • 2:26 PM – Jega says that the acronym of the parties will be read out shortly and the names will be read alphabetically
  • 2:32 PM – INEC Official announces the procedure that will be followed by Collation officers to announces results from their zones.
  • 2:34 PM – Sign language specialist takes the stage to give sign-language reports for people who may not be able to listen to the reports but can watch and understand languages.
  • 2:39 PM – INEC Officials are putting together some details while people wait for someone to take the stage.
  • 2:42 PM – INEC Official says that if there are any complains, there would be a complain form called the EC40G
  • 2:43 PM – Jega says results will be announced on first-come, first-served. The first that will be announced is Ekiti State
  • 2:44 PM – Collation officer from Ekiti State takes the stage to announce the results for that state
  • 2:56 PM – Collation officer announces Ekiti State – Total Registered Voters – 723,255, Accredited Voters – 323,739, Rejected votes – 8,754. For the major parties, APC – 120,331, PDP – 176,466
  • 2:58 PM – Collation officer for Ogun State is invited to come and give the figures for Ogun State and he announces that there are 20 local governments and 14 parties participated in the elections.
  • 3:06 PM – Ogun State figures are – Registered Voters – 1,709,409, Accredited Voters – 594,975, Total Valid Votes – 533,172, Rejected Votes – 26,441, Total Votes Cast – 559,613. The party votes are AA: 584, AD: 1927, ACPN: 3072, ADC: 1364, APA: 1930, APC: 308,290, CPP: 978, HOPE: 332, KOWA: 432, NCP: 815, PDP: 207,950, PPN: 4339, UDP: 562, UPP: 597
  • 3:11 PM – Enugu State Collation officer is invited to the stage to announce the figures for Enugu State who says there are 17 local governments.
  • 3:17 PM – Enugu State figures are – Registered Voters – 1,381,563, Accredited Voters – 616,112, Total Valid Voters – 573,173, Rejected Votes – 12,459, Total Votes Cast – 585,632. The party results are AA:441, ACPN: 479, AD: 269, ADC: 478, APA: 715, APC: 14,157, CPP: 237, HOPE: 110, KOWA: 203, NCP: 76, PDP: 553,003, PPN: 407, UDP: 1623, UPP: 290
  • 3:21 PM – Kogi State is next and the collation officer takes the stage to announce the figures from that state announcing that 21 LGAs in the state with 14 parties.Registered Voters – 1,350,883 Accredited Voters – 476,839 Total Valid Voters – 431,328, Rejected Votes – 17,959, Total Votes Cast – 439,287AA: 700, ACPN: 1039, AD: 427, ADC: 761, ADA: 1001, APC: 264,851, CPP: 967, HOPE: 144, KOWA: 190, NCP: 399, PDP: 149,987, PPN: 476, UDP: 180, UPP: 156,
  • 3:29 PM – Osun state is next and the collation officer takes the stage. Osun State figures are – Registered Voters – 1,378,113 Accredited Voters – 683,169AA: 377, ADC: 937, APA: 1306, APC: 383,603, CPP: 1029, HOPE: 132, KOWA: 255, PDP: 249,929, PPN: 599, UDP: 124, UPP: 159
  • 3:40 PM  – Ondo State is next and the collation officer takes the stage to announce the figures for that state.
  • 3:44 PM – Ondo State figures are – Registered Voters 1,501,549, Accredited Voters – 618,040 Total Valid Voters – 561,056, Rejected Votes – 21,379, Total Votes Cast – 582,435. The results for the parties are – AA: 386, ACPN: 2406, AD: 1237, ADC: 1227, APA: 1139, APC: 299,889, CPP: 1012, HOPE: 184, KOWA: 223, NCP: 846, PDP: 251,368, PPN: 734, UDP: 184, UPP: 221
  • 3:47 PM  – The FCT is next and the collation officer takes the stage to announce the figures
  • 3:53 PM – The FCT figures for the parties are – Registered Voters – 886,573 Accredited Voters – 344,056, Valid Voters – 306,805, Rejected Votes – 9210, Total Votes Cast – 316,015. The figures for the parties are – AA: 139, ACPN: 342, AD: 240, ADC: 288, APA: 674, APC: 146,399, CPP: 347, HOPE: 83, KOWA: 165, NCP: 473, PDP: 157,195, PPN: 269, UDP: 95, UPP: 96
  • 4:00 PM – Oyo State Collation Officer is next on the stage
  • 4:05 PM – The figures for Oyo State parties are – Registered Voters – 2,344,448, Accredited Voters – 1,073,849, Total Valid Votes – 881,352, Rejected Votes – 47,254, Total Votes Cast – 928,606. The party figures are – AA: 6,331, ACPN: 8,979, AD: 6282, ADC: 5000, APA: 4468, APC: 528,620, CPP: 6674, HDP:839, KOWA: 1312, NCP: 1895, PDP: 303,376, PPN: 2842, UDP: 1069, UPP: 3665
  • 4:05 PM – The INEC Official coordinating this session says that the last one for this session is Nasarawa State. The remaining figures will be announced later tonight by 8:00 PM
  • 4:06 PM – Nasarawa State collation officer is the last for the first session and takes the stage announcing that there are 13 LGAs in the state.
  • 4:08 PM – The figures for Nasarawa State are – Registered Voters – 1,222,054, Accredited Voters – 562,959, Total Valid Votes – 521,641, Rejected Votes – 10,094, Total Votes Cast – 521,641. The figures for the parties are – AA: 40, ACPN: 95, AD: 74, ADC: 105, APA: 310, APC: 236,838, CPP: 131, HOPE: 4, KOWA: 48, NCP: 222, PDP: 273,460, PPN: 164, UDP: 23, UPP: 33

We are ready to continue with the updates from INEC when the session commences at the International Conference Centre in Abuja. Keep refreshing this page to get updates as soon as the session resumes.

  • 8:43 PM – Jega takes his seat to begin the second session to announce the results of the remaining states that have collated their results and sent them to INEC
  • 8:47 PM – So we begin…
  • 8:47 PM – An APC representative is contesting the results from Enugu for the APC
  • 8:48 PM – Jega is requesting for the results to be projected again and everyone is watching the screen.
  • 8:56 PM – The next state is Kano state and the collation officer takes the stage to announce the figures for the state.
  • 9:04 PM – The figures for Kano State are – Registered Voters – 4,936,862, Total Valid Voters – 2,128,821, Rejected Votes – 63,626, Total Votes Cast – 2,172,447 and the results for the parties are – AA: 426, ACPN: 778, AD: 708, ADC: 657, APA: 2770, APC: 1,903,999, CPP: 1552, HOPE: 292, KOWA: 288, NCP: 697, PDP: 215,779, PPN: 485, UDP: 234, UPP, 156
  • 9:05 PM – Jigawa State is next and the collation officer walks to the stage to give his figures for the state
  • 9:11 PM – The figures for Jigawa State are – Registered voters – 1,815,839, Accredited Voters – 1,153,428 Total Valid Votes – 1,037,564, Rejected Votes – 34,325, Total Votes Cast – 1,071,889. The Party results are – AA: 394, ACPN: 540, AD: 587, ADC: 375, APA: 2527, APC: 885,988, CPP: 1553, HOPE: 337, KOWA: 423, NCP: 548, PDP: 142,904, PPN: 853, UDP: 338, UPP: 197
  • 9:11 PM – Katsina State is the next state where the collation officer takes the stage
  • 9:15 PM – The figures for Katsina State are – Registered Voters – 2,842,741 Accredited Voters – 1,578,646, Rejected Votes – 32,448, Total Votes – 1,481,714. The party results are – AA: 183, ACPN: 402, AD: 283, ADC: 498, APA: 1671, APC: 1345441, CPP: 976, HOPE: 47, KOWA: 215, NCP, 330, PDP: 98,937, PPN: 254, UDP: 117, UPP: 72
  • 9:17 PM – Kwara State is next –  Registered Voters – 1,181,032, Accredited Voters – 489,360, Valid Votes – 440,080, Rejected Votes  – 21,321, Total Votes Cast – 461,401. The party results are – AA: 248, ACPN: 817, AD: 520, ADC: 438, APA: 1165, APC: 302,146, CPP: 910, HOPE: 118, KOWA: 214, NCP: 394, PDP: 132,602, PPN: 325, UDP: 81, UPP: 102
  • 9:21 PM – Kaduna State is next and the collation officer is ready to read the results.
  • 9:22 PM – Kaduna State has Registered Voters – 3,361,793, Accredited voters – 1,746,031 Valid Votes – 1,617,482, Rejected Votes – 32,719, Total Votes Cast – 1,650,201. The party figures are –  AA: 217, ACPN: 424, AD: 273, ADC: 546, APA: 1611, APC: 1,127,760, CPP: 824, HOPE: 105, KOWA: 176, NCP: 754: PDP: 484,085, PPN: 549, UDP: 79, UPP: 78
  • 9:31 PM – Anambra State is next and the collation officer makes it to the stage to announce the results
  • 9:34 PM – Anambra State results are – Registered Voters – 1,963,427, Accredited Voters – 774,430, Valid Votes – 688,584, Rejected Votes – 14,825, Total Votes Cast – 703,409. The party results are – AA: 547, ACPN: 1259, AD: 475, ADC: 534, APA: 2303, APC: 17,926, CPP: 1279, HOPE: 357, KOWA: 311, NCP: 887, PDP: 660,762,  PPN: 537, UDP: 286, UPP: 1121
  • 9:36 PM – Abia State is next and the collation officer takes the stage
  • 9:37 PM – Abia State results are – Registered Voters – 1,349,134, Accredited Voters – 442,538, Valid Votes – 391,045, Rejected Votes – 1004, Total Votes Cast – 401,049   AA: 315, ACPN: 2194, AD: 448, ADC: 569, APA: 2766, APC: 13394, CPP: 1046, HOPE: 125, KOWA: 173, NCP: 745, PDP: 368,303, PPN: 424: UDP: 213: UPP: 330
  • 9:42 PM – Jega has announced a 10 minutes break.
  • 10:47 PM – We are back from the break and ready to continue with Akwa Ibom state
  • 10:52 PM – Akwa Ibom State has the following details – Registered Voters – 1,644,481, Accredited Voters – 1,074,070.The party results are – AA: 1600, AD: 443, ACPN: 474, ADC: 608, APA: 384, APC: 58,411, CPP: 412, HOPE: 192, KOWA: 160, NCP: 381, PDP: 953,304, PPA: 327, UDP: 324, UPP: 144
  • 10:54 PM – Akwa Ibom is not concluded because the figures were not reconciled.
  • 10:55 PM – Imo State is next and the collation officer takes the stage
  • 11:02 PM – Imo State figures are Registered Voters – 1,747,681, Accredited Voters – 801,712, Total Valid Votes – 702,964, Rejected Votes – 28,957, Total Votes Cast – 731,921.  The party figures are – AA: 533, ACPA: 956, AD: 757, ADC: 1617, APA: 2236, APC: 133,253, CPP: 733, HOPE: 157, KOWA: 158, NCP: 784, PDP: 559,185, PPN: 414,  UDP: 264, UPP: 1917
  • 11:05 PM –  Plateau State is next and the collation officer takes the stage
  • 11:09 PM – Plateau State results are as follows – Registered Voters – 1,977,2111 Accredited Voters – 1,076,833 Valid Votes –  982,388 Rejected Votes – 18,304 Total Votes Cast – 1,000,692. The party results are AA: 178, ACPN: 311, AD: 271, ACP: 406, APA: 618, APC: 429,140, CPP, 237, HOPE: 56, KOWA: 138, NCP: 693, PDP: 549,615, PPN: 554, UDP: 54, UPP: 29
  • 11:15 PM – Reconciled figures are coming up from Akwa Ibom state where the collation officer is ready to represent. The results are Registered Voters 1,644,481 Accredited Voters – 1,074,070, Valid Votes – 1,017,064, Rejected Votes – 11,487, Total Votes Cast – 1,028,551. The party results are – AA: 1600, ACPN: 443, AD: 474, ADC: 608, APA: 384, APC: 58,411, CPP: 412, HOPE: 192, KOWA: 160, NCP: 381, PDP: 953,304, PPN: 327, UDP: 224, UPP: 144
  • 11:17 PM – Jega announces that INEC has taken all the states that are available for now
  • 11:17 PM – Jega announces that INEC will return to continue with the results from other states by 10:00 AM tomorrow.

Good morning, we are now ready to continue in Abuja with more results.

  • 11:17 AM – INEC Official is explaining that Nigerians should bear with them concerning the delay in starting the process
  • 11:18 AM – Jega is now apologizing for the delay as well.
  • 11:22 AM – A protest is being staged as someone stands up to say they have lost confidence in the Jega led INEC process and says the INEC is selective.
  • 11:39 AM – Jega is now responding to the protest
  • 11:44 AM – Jega addresses both protest issues and the INEC Officials want to continue the process.
  • 11:46 AM – Ebonyi State is next and the collation officer takes the stage

Ebonyi State figures are – Registered Voters – 1,071,226, Accredited Voters – 425,301, Total Valid Votes – 363,888, Rejected Votes – 29,449, Total Votes Cast – 393,337

Ebonyi State Party figures are:

AA: 426

ACPN: 1214

AD: 1133

ADC: 2704

APA: 2452

APC: 19,518

CPP: 2345

HOPE: 989

KOWA: 913

NCP: 1890

PDP: 323,653

PPN: 1168

UDP: 624

UPP:  4859

  • 11:54 AM – Niger State is next
  • 12:01 PM – The figures for Niger State are

Registered Voters – 1,995,679, Accredited Voters – 933,607, Total Valid Votes – 813,671, Rejected Votes – 31,012, Total Votes Cast – 844,683

Niger State Party figures are:

AA: 307

ACPN: 441

AD: 403

ADC: 614

APA: 2006

APC: 657,678

CPP: 1264

HOPE: 198

KOWA: 305

NCP: 550

PDP: 149,222

PPN: 449

UDP: 116

UPP:  118

  • 12:05 PM – Next is Lagos State and the collation officer takes the stage.
  • 12:11 PM – Lagos State figures are as follows – Registered Voters – 5,827,846, Accredited Voters – 1,678,754, Total Valid Votes – 1,443,686, Rejected Votes – 52,289, Total Votes Cast – 1,495,975

Lagos State Party figures are:

AA: 1795

ACPN: 3038

AD: 4453

ADC: 2072

APA: 2177

APC: 792,460

CPP: 1125

HOPE: 255

KOWA: 1000

NCP: 1430

PDP: 632,327

PPN: 1041

UDP: 265

UPP:  244


  • 12:15 PM – Bayelsa State is next
  • 12:15 PM – The collation officer for Bayelsa State takes the stage.
  • 12:20 PM – Bayelsa figures are – Registered Voters – 605,637, Accredited Voters – 384,789, Total Valid Votes – 367,067, Rejected Votes – 4672, Total Votes Cast – 371,739, Bayelsa State Party figures are:

AA: 45

ACPN: 38

AD: 39

ADC: 196

APA: 70

APC: 5194

CPP: 44

HOPE: 18

KOWA: 52

NCP: 95

PDP: 361,209

PPN: 62

UDP: 20

UPP:  35

  • 12:21 PM – Gombe State is next
  • 12:22 PM – Collation officer for Gombe State takes the stage.
  • 12:26 PM – Figures for Gombe are – Registered Voters – 1,110,105, Accredited Voters – 515,828, Total Valid Votes – 460,599, Rejected Votes – 12,845, Total Votes Cast – 473,444. Gombe State Party figures are:

AA: 104

ACPN: 192

AD: 169

ADC: 247

APA: 773

APC: 361,245

CPP: 407

HOPE: 46

KOWA: 97

NCP: 227

PDP: 96,873

PPN: 157

UDP: 25

UPP:  37

  • 12:28 PM – Cross-River State is next
  • 12:37 PM – The figures for Cross River State are – Registered Voters – 1,144,288, Accredited Voters – 500,577, Rejected Votes – 15,392, Total Votes Cast – 465,906. Cross-River State Party figures are:

AA: 279

ACPN: 514

AD: 709

ADC: 749

APA: 532

APC: 28,368

CPP: 381

HOPE: 237

KOWA: 312

NCP: 930

PDP: 414,863

PPN: 864

UDP: 289

UPP:  1487

  • 12:39 PM – Rivers State is next
  • 12:40 PM – An observation is made before the results are presented for Rivers State
  • 12:42 PM – Jega responds to why the results for Rivers State will go on. He makes mention that the APC have made a request to cancel the results from Rivers State.
  • 12:48 PM – The results will be presented for Rivers
  • 1:00 PM – The collation officer (Prof. John Etu) has a problem reading the results and is assisted by the INEC official
  • 1:02 PM – The results for Rivers State are – Registered Voters – 2,344,300, Accredited Voters – 1,643,409, Total Valid Votes – 1,565,461, Rejected Votes – 19,307, Total Votes Cast – 1,584,768. The Rivers State Party figures are:

AA: 1066

ACPN: 525

AD: 1104

ADC: 1031

APA: 513

APC: 69,238

CPP: 57

HOPE: 542

KOWA: 2274

NCP: 565

PDP: 1,487,075

PPN: 492

UDP: 303

UPP:  156

  • 1:05 PM – Jega says two states are being processed at the Secretariat for their results to be projected. They are Benue and Adamawa. So we are taking a 30 minutes break to return by 1:30 PM for more updates.
  • 1:51 PM – We are still waiting for INEC Officials to come out to continue the process. As soon as this happens, we would update this page.
  • 2:21 PM – We have resumed.
  • 2:21 PM – We would update this page with Adamawa State figures as soon as we confirm them.
  • 2:25 PM – Adamawa State figures are – Registered Voters – 1,518,123, Accredited Voters – 709,993, Total Valid Votes – 636,018, Rejected Votes – 25,192, Total Votes Cast – 661,210, Adamawa State Party figures are:

AA: 495

ACPN: 1166

AD: 595

ADC: 1012

APA: 1549

APC: 374,701

CPP: 819

HOPE: 267

KOWA: 752

NCP: 1212

PDP: 251,664

PPN: 1163

UDP: 289

UPP:  334

  • 2:26 PM – Zamfara State is next and the collation officer is on the stage
  • 2:29 PM -Zamfara State figures are Registered Voters – 1,484,941, Accredited Voters – 875,049, Total Valid Votes – 761,022, Rejected Votes – 19,157, Total Votes Cast – 780,179. Zamfara State Party figures are:

AA: 125

ACPN: 238

AD: 290

ADC: 294

APA: 1310

APC: 612,202

CPP: 655

HOPE: 14

KOWA: 122

NCP: 404

PDP: 144,833

PPN: 374

UDP: 93

UPP:  68

  • 2:26 PM – Kebbi State is next and the collation officer is on the stage
  • 2:41 PM – The results for Kebbi State are – Registered Voters – 1,457,763, Accredited Voters – 792,817, Total Valid Votes – 677,003, Rejected Votes – 38,119, Total Votes Cast – 715,122. Kebbi State Party figures are:

AA: 214

ACPN: 361

AD: 450

ADC: 472

APA: 2685

APC: 567,883

CPP: 1794

HOPE: 213

KOWA: 448

NCP: 519

PDP: 100,972

PPN: 547

UDP: 207

UPP:  238

  • 2:43 PM – Jega announces that two more states are still coming in. As a result, they will be taking a seating break to wait for the results.
  • 2: 56 PM – We resume and Benue State is next
  • 3:01 PM – The results for Benue State are – Registered Voters – 1,893,596, Accredited Voters – 754,634, Total Valid Votes – 683,264, Rejected Votes – 19,867, Total Votes Cast – 703,131. Benue State Party figures are:

AA: 315

ACPN: 1464

AD: 254

ADC: 539

APA: 945

APC: 373,961

CPP: 567

HOPE: 115

KOWA: 105

NCP: 683

PDP: 303,737

PPN: 439

UDP: 66

UPP:  74

  • 3:05 PM – Bauchi State is next and the collation officer takes the stage
  • 3:13 PM – Bauchi State figures are – Registered Voters – 2,053,484, Accredited Voters – 1,094,069, Total Valid Votes – 1,020,338, Rejected Votes – 19,437, Total Votes Cast – 1,039,775. Bauchi State Party figures are:

AA: 131

ACPN: 232

AD: 173


APA: 964

APC: 931,598

CPP: 391

HOPE: 46

KOWA: 128

NCP: 207

PDP: 86,085

PPN: 128

UDP: 29

UPP:  37

  • 3:17 PM – Yobe State is next and the collation officer takes the stage
  • 3:23 PM – Yobe State results are – Registered Voters – 1,077,942, Accredited Voters – 520,127, Total Valid Votes – 473,796, Rejected Votes – 17,971, Total Votes Cast – 491,767. Yobe State Party figures are:

AA: 101

ACPN: 164

AD: 213

ADC: 112

APA: 632

APC: 446,265

CPP: 329

HOPE: 67

KOWA: 104

NCP: 120

PDP: 25,526

PPN: 101

UDP: 30

UPP:  32

  • 3:26 PM – Jega informs everyone that there are two more states and they are being processed. He informs everyone that they will restart in 10 minutes.
  • 3:50 PM – We are now ready to resume
  • 3:51 PM – Taraba State is next and the collation officer heads to the stage.
  • 3:53 PM – The slide for Taraba State is not ready, so he is asked to step down
  • 3:55 PM – Edo State is next and the collation officer takes the stage
  • 3:59 PM – Edo State results are – Registered Voters –1,650,522, Accredited Voters –499,166, Total Valid Votes – 500,451, Rejected Votes– 22334, Total Votes Cast – 522,785. Edo State Party figures are:

AA: 159

ACPN: 1284

AD: 450

ADC: 512

APA: 709

APC: 208,469

CPP: 325

HOPE: 22

KOWA: 175

NCP: 516

PDP: 286,869

PPN: 729

UDP: 160

UPP: 72

  • 4:04 PM – Taraba State is now ready and the collation officer takes the stage.
  • 4:10 PM – Taraba State results are – Registered Voters –1,374,307, Accredited Voters –638,578, Total Valid Votes – 579,677, Rejected Votes  – 23,039, Total Votes Cast – 602,716. Taraba State Party figures are:

AA: 962

ACPN: 811

AD: 586

ADC: 320

APA: 1306

APC: 261,326

CPP: 1033

HOPE: 161

KOWA: 153

NCP: 876

PDP: 310,800

PPN: 680

UDP: 224

UPP:  439

  • 4:10 PM – Jega says Sokoto State collation officer is in the room, but they will need to wait for his results from the Secretariat for a few minutes.
  • 4:14 PM – Jega just confirmed that Delta State is also available and that it will be processed with Sokoto as well and delivered shortly.
  • 4:14 PM – 3 more states to go including Sokoto, Delta and Borno States.
  • 4:34 PM – We are back and ready to continue
  • 4:40 PM – Waiting for Jega to begin this session.
  • 4:53 PM – We are still waiting for this session to commence.
  • 5:25 PM – Finally, we are ready to resume as Jega takes his seat and opens up this session
  • 5:28 PM – Sokoto State is next and the collation officer takes the stage
  • 5:35 PM – Sokoto State figures are – Registered Voters –1,663,127, Accredited Voters –988,899, Total Valid Votes – 834,259, Rejected Votes – 42,110, Total Votes Cast – 876,369. Sokoto State Party figures are:

AA: 249

ACPN: 535

AD: 714

ADC: 762

APA: 3482

APC: 671,926

CPP: 1894

HOPE: 283

KOWA: 475

NCP: 686

PDP: 152,199

PPN: 605

UDP: 269

UPP: 180

  • 5:39 PM – Delta State is next
  • 5:47 PM – Delta State figures are – Registered Voters –2,044,372, Accredited Voters –1,350,914, Total Valid Votes – 1,267,773, Rejected Votes – 17,075, Total Votes Cast – 1,284,848. Delta State Party figures are:

AA: 1473

ACPN: 916

AD: 735

ADC: 888

APA: 478

APC: 48,910

CPP: 813

HOPE: 166

KOWA: 311

NCP: 670

PDP: 1,211,405

PPN: 393

UDP: 354

UPP:  261

  • 5:48 PM – One more state to go – Borno State.
  • 5:52 PM – Jega announces that the results for Borno State will take 1 – 2 hours before it arrives. So this session will have to wait until then. Keep refreshing this page.
  • 5:52 PM – Jega announces that they will resume this session for the last state by 8:00 PM.

