Insecurity: Nigerian Army trains officials on cognitive skills

[FILES] Nigerian Army PHOTO: Odita Sunday
In a bid to tackle insecurity and enhance professionalism, the Nigerian Army School of Finance and Administration (NASFA), in conjunction with the Nigerian Institute of Management (Chartered), has organised a leadership development seminar, with the theme, ‘The importance Of Cognitive Skills In Leadership Within A Complex Environment,’ for officers of the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.

The theme of the seminar highlights the significance, which the Nigerian Army places on leadership effectiveness of its officers at various levels of command.

The seminar is designed to enhance critical thinking capabilities of officers for quick decision-making, as well as appropriate principles in tackling operational challenges.

It will also help participants think through and arrive in decisions that will impact positively on outcomes of actions taken by combats, as topics would enhance their cognitive skills to manage operational challenges both at tactical and operational levels at war.

It would also help officers with requisite skills and competences to be able to, as leaders in various capacities, tackle current and future threats.

According to the Commandant, Nigerian Army School of Finance and Administration, Brig. Gen Julius Osifo, topics to consider during the seminar include ‘Cognitive Skills: Meaning, Types And Importance,’ ‘Environmental Complexities From The Perspective Of Driving Forces,’ ‘Gaining Competitive Advantage Through Cognitive Model,’ ‘Gaining Cognitive Advantage Through Cognitive Strategies,’ Promoting Team Cognitive For Optimum Performance,’ As Well As ‘Effective Decision Making Process In Tough Situations.’

Osifo revealed that NASFA has produced 4,542 graduates of both National Diploma and Higher National Diploma, adding that graduates include personnel of sister services like Nigerian Navy and Nigerian Air Force.

He added that NASFA also trains personnel of the Nigerian Police Force (NPF) and other security agencies like Nigerian Correctional Services (NCS), Nigerian Immigration Services (NIS), National Security and Civil Defence, among others.


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