Inspiring creativity through ‘Love Art’ Project

The Art Hotel and British International School have launched ‘Love Art’ competition to inspire students of Kuramo Junior Secondary School, Lagos tolove for art.

The competition is for students within the ages of 12 to 14 with winners getting cash gift. According to the General Manager, The Art Hotel, Roderick Peck, art is not just about painting on the wall or structure, but a holistic thing in terms of education.

“It is part of our commitment from The Art Hotel not only to the art in general but to our community and we are delighted to work with Kuramo Junior School to set up the very first art lessons in the school. We will support the processes needed to go further and we look forward to bringing art to this school and see the talent grow.

“We have some fantastic support from the British International School to move this Love Art project forward,” he said. The Principal, British International School, Lagos, Kelvin Donnelly, disclosed that one of his art teachers will teach some selected Kuramo Junior students everything about art for six weeks to develop their creativity.


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