Interview With Bono, Co Founder Of One Organization

In line with the Strong Girl Initiative, Bono is the co- founder of ONE as well as the lead singer of U2. Bono feels that the organisation should have been called half up on till now, because the Strong Girl initiative has finally completed the ONE campaign.

He is a well known humanitarian and philanthropist. Asides ONE, he co-founded DATA (debt, AIDS, trade, Africa) to raise public awareness of the issues in its name and influence government policy on Africa. In 2004, DATA helped to create ONE: The Campaign to Make Poverty History, an advocacy and campaigning organization dedicated to fighting extreme poverty and preventable disease. In early 2008, DATA and ONE combined operations under the name ONE.

Bono also launched product RED to raise money from businesses to buy AIDS drugs for people in Africa unable to afford them. Bono also helped launch EDUN, an ethically-sourced high fashion clothing company run by his wife Ali Hewson; EDUN produces clothing in developing areas of the world, particularly in Africa

His work has not gone unnoticed, he has the Legion D’Honneur from the French Government in 2003, TIME Magazine’s Person of the Year for 2005 (along with Bill and Melinda Gates), and an honorary British knighthood in 2007.

You can understand how intense it was interviewing a man who has done so much and only wants  to do more. So watch our interview with Bono , the co-founder of One campaign and a strong supporter of the Strong Girl initiative.





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