IOM leads as Nigeria reviews migration policy

United Nations migration body, International Organisation for Migration (IOM), is leading key partners to support Nigeria as it reviews its National Migration Policy (NMP 2015) to meet evolving global realities.

IOM Chief of Mission, Laurent De Bork, said the policy review was aimed at strengthening fact-based and data-driven migration governance and management in Nigeria.

He stated this at a two-day Technical Working Group (TWG) meeting on migration development, tagged ‘Towards Better Migration Management in Nigeria, organised by IOM in partnership with the Federal Government, United Nations Office on Drug and Crimes (UNODC) and the Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund in Abuja.

Represented by the Deputy Chief of Mission, Paola Pace, he observed that the NMP 2015 was due for a review due to the constantly changing landscape of migration influenced by issues of social protection.



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