IS suicide bomber kills eight near Baghdad Shiite mosque

bomb-blast-ackcityA suicide bombing claimed by the Islamic State jihadist group killed at least eight people near a Shiite mosque in eastern Baghdad on Wednesday, security and medical officials said.

The blast in the Obeidi area also wounded at least 19 people, the officials said.

IS claimed the attack in a statement posted online, saying a bomber identified as “Abu Salem” carried it out with an explosives-rigged belt.

IS considers Shiites to be heretics, and frequently targets them with bombings in crowded areas of the capital.

IS overran large areas north and west of Baghdad last year, and while Iraqi forces have retaken significant territory north of the capital, much of the country’s west remains under jihadist control.

Bombings in Baghdad have become less frequent since the IS offensive last year, apparently because the jihadists have been occupied with fighting elsewhere.

