Is There Anything Too Hard For The Lord?

Jeremiah 32:27 “Behold, I AM THE LORD, the God of all flesh: IS THERE ANY THING TOO HARD FOR ME”? 

EVERY time God is about to do something significant in the lives of His people, He will always ask this question? God asked Abraham, Moses, Jeremiah and Elizabeth others WHETHER ANYTHING IS TOO HARD FOR THE CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH. It is a fundamental question for accessing the Miraculous and the Super-Supernatural. When we are able to answer this question correctly, the Super Supernatural God will show up in our lives and do the impossible. In our walk of faith, God is as BIG AS WE PERCEIVE HIM TO BE. What we perceive of God is what we would believe and receive of Him. The Israelites asked whether God could furnish a table in the wilderness and He did. For 40 years, He furnished sumptuous provision for them in the wilderness. How Big is your God in your situation and circumstances? Is anything too hard for your God? One of the great men of God, (a man of faith in this generation) ORAL ROBERTS, who was mightily used of God in Healing, Signs and Wonders; (who built a multi-billion Dollar Charismatic University without a church organisation) said doubt is the starting point of faith. Faith starts where doubt stops. If you know for sure that your God is Greater than any mountain, sickness, challenges, believing God will be very easy. Believing God for the impossible is not an academic exercise. It is a product of a clear revelation of Who the Mighty Almighty God is. The Word of God in Luke 1:37 declares that “WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE”. How do you equate God in your situation and circumstances? How big is your problem in the light of the Omnipotence of your God. There is no way you and God will be defeated if God is in your life. TODAY, God wants to do something extraordinary in your life. Do you believe that nothing is too hard and difficult for God? The Mighty Almighty God is able to make a way for you even in the sea. Jehovah God is able to lift you beyond your calculation. El-Shaddai is able to bless you beyond your widest dream or imagination. Get ready to experience the Super-Supernatural. Nothing is too hard for your God. Tell God that indeed you choose to believe that nothing is too hard for Him in your business, family, career, etc. Psalm 84:11-12 “For the LORD God is a Sun and Shield: the LORD will give Grace and Glory: no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly. O LORD of Hosts, Blessed is the man that trusteth in Thee”. It is time to trust in the LORD with your situation. You will never be put to shame.


PRAYER: LORD GOD, I trust in You right now. You are Bigger than any mountain, any challenge confronting me. YOU always make a way where there is no way. YOU always do the impossible. I trust in You now. I make JESUS, LORD over my life and situations. Nothing in my life is too hard for the Mighty Almighty God. I receive my miracles and breakthrough now in Jesus Mighty Name.

