It’s an honour to be compared with Tiwa Savage – Jose Phyn

Jose Phyn is setting the Nigerian music scene on fire with her unique style.

The Nigerian music industry is peopled by legendary performers too numerous to mention. Amongst the female singers, one name stands out from the pack and that is Tiwa Savage. Formerly a back-up singer to Grammy Award winner, Beyoncé, Tiwa has severally been voted the best female act over the past few years.

However, the emergence of Josephine Solomon, popularly known as Jose Phyn, has led to many music enthusiasts comparing the duo, particularly the similarity in their sonorous voices, lyrical themes and style.

For Jose Phyn, it is all good to be mentioned in the same sentence as Tiwa Savage, adding, however, that she is bent on carving an original image for herself and her music, instead of working to become a replica of someone else.

“I’ve heard that (comparison) a couple of times and I think it’s not a bad idea comparing me to Tiwa Savage. She’s top notch and I’m even prouder because she has a great personality and is a role model to upcoming female artistes.

“But then, I don’t try to sound like her.  I do know that I have a beautiful voice and I’m going to stand out with my own voice and uniqueness. I believe with time, people will get in sync with my sound,” she stated when cornered for her take on the similarities between her and the self-styled ‘African Bad Girl.’

Jose Phyn is not just your run-of-the-mill kind of person, for apart from her foray into music, she is a star actress with several movies to her credit.  As expected, her role models in the make-believe world of acting are both local and foreign stars.

“My biggest inspiration in acting are the likes of Tyler Perry, Will smith, Jackie Chan, Genevieve Nnaji, Osita Iheme, John okafor, Nkem Owoh, Funke Akindele, Patience Ozokwor, Mercy Johnson, among others.

“I grew up watching most of these actors mentioned. Meanwhile, they can be very hilarious and entertaining while some can really get you emotional while learning one or two things from their movies. The most important thing is that they’ve carved a niche for themselves and that’s what inspires me,” she explained.

Aware of the significance of exploring multiple streams of income, she uses her time maximally to great effect, saying, “I do a whole lot of things because I try to manage my time efficiently and I can be very multitasking at the same time. I’m currently working on building my brand as an influencer and also in the music and fashion industry.”

She further explained that were it not for music, she would probably had ventured into broadcasting or treat the world to different delicacies of food as a top chef.

“I would probably have been an OAP (On-Air Personality), that is, a newscaster or a radio presenter. I could also have been a producer, a model or a chef because I like food,” she said.

Nigerians are still mourning the loss of Lanre Fasasi, popularly known as Sound Sultan, one of the pioneers of Nigeria’s hip-hop music and Jose Phyn says there are no words to describe her feelings.

“I was so heartbroken and down honestly. Though I haven’t met him in person but then, I grew up listening to his music. He actually made my childhood so exciting through his music and I was hoping to work with him someday as one of the old skools,” she said.

“But then, he’s gone to rest at the bosom of the Lord. He is a legend truly and so I’m extending my heartfelt condolences to his family and loved ones. I pray that God strengthens them and helps us carry on his legacy,” she added.


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