It’s New Year… Return your space to serenity

Now that the Yuletide season is bidding farewell, it’s time to get your home ready for the New Year; anything that has a beginning has an end.
So, if you’re wishing the festive season continued just to retain the glow, as well as keep your colourful decorations intact, you may have to wake up to the reality of the time and say goodbye to the colourful magic of the yuletide. You may start with carefully and thoroughly removing the Christmas décor and cleaning up your space for a serene atmosphere.

Why You Need To Clear Up After Christmas 
* To reclaim the space that the Christmas Tree, artificial Santa Claus, ornaments, and other decorations have taken up
* To get your space back in shape
* Despite how beautiful the view of Christmas colourful decoration is, removing the decors and cleaning up is a task that inevitably needs to get done as Christmas is seasonal and not forever.
* It is an opportunity to give your space a new arrangement and look for the New Year.

How To Clean Up Christmas Decoration
* Strip the Christmas tree carefully
* Ensure to use as much care taking your tree down as you did putting it up, so as to avoid damaging it; save yourself the stress of trying to get it to fit well next year.
* Keep Christmas lights from tangling by wrapping them around the empty tubes from your wrapping paper. Otherwise, you would discover next year that the bulbs would no longer come up. So, carefully twirl the cord around the roll, starting with the side opposite to the plug. Then, insert the plug into the opening of the tube.
* After taking down your ornaments, instead of dropping them back into their boxes, wrap them safely with wrapping paper or tissue and store them neatly into their boxes so as to avoid rusting.

* Get rid of things or gift items you don’t need no matter how beautiful they may seem, in order to avoid clumsiness. Remember the target is to have a clean, sparking and breathable space. However, you should know that getting rid of things does not necessarily mean thrashing them; you can give or donate them to others who would need them.
* Thoroughly check your carpets and furniture for stains because the longer the stains stay, the more difficult it would be to remove. Considering how the possibility of stains are high during the festive season due to the excessive availability of food, ensure to clean up by mixing warm water and mild dishwashing liquid in a spray bottle. Then carefully apply the mixture on the stain. Blot with a paper towel and continue spraying and blotting until the stain is removed. Then, rinse with clear water and blot again, fluff the pile, and allow it to dry.

Rearrange Your Furniture
The newness that comes with rearranging your furniture and perhaps other interior decors, electronics, and ornaments for a new year can be refreshing, such that it not only gives you a sense of calmness, but also bestows your home with serenity. However, if your space is small and built in permanent sections for your furniture and other electronics and gadgets, you may not have the luxury of rearranging. Just ensure that a sparking touch is not found wanting, which of course is the actual luxury and serenity in the real sense of it.  


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