JA Africa marks Global Money Week with financial literacy roadshow

To mark the 2023 Global Money Week celebrations, JA Africa, with support from Prudence Foundation, has organised a financial literacy roadshow to educate young people about earning, saving and spending.

The event with the theme, “Plan your money, Plant your Future,” introduced financial literacy concepts of earn, save, spend, and feature donation to 250 primary school students in Lagos, leveraging JA Africa’s new Financial Literacy TV series, The Cha-Ching Money Show.

The roadshow allowed the children in attendance to watch episodes of the series and engage with the show’s teen hosts, Adanna Okoli, and Emeka Nwogugu.

The event educated participants on how to develop good financial habits. The producer of ‘The Smart Money Woman’ Arese Ugwu, in her keynote address, underscored the need for self-awareness as a potent strategy for earning, stating that it is difficult for young people to thrive without identifying what they are genuinely passionate about.

She said: “For you to earn, you need to understand what your strengths are, what you are good at. Ask yourself, what are the things that come naturally to me and how can I hone these skills? Focus on things you are passionate about. ”

Ugwu further stated that financial discipline is central to spending wisely and having a clear direction of where you want your money to go.

She, however, advised the pupils to embrace good saving habits as this would aid a healthy financial life.

“Money earned is not about spending only, you need to keep aside a certain proportion for savings. Do not spend before saving, save before spending,” she added.

JA Africa’s CEO, Simi Nwogugu, reiterated the significance of organising the financial literacy roadshow and why young people should have financial literacy skills.

Nwogugu, who encouraged the students to practise key financial lessons they have learned, admonished them to dream big and pursue their dreams.

“Anything is possible, dream big dreams and work towards achieving them,” she said.

It would be noted that Global Money Week is celebrated in March every year to raise awareness of Economic Citizenship and directly engage children and youth worldwide on the issue.
