JCI introduces TechAcademy, highlights importance of technology

Junior Chamber International (JCI), Ikeja branch has stressed the need for youths to be technology savvy to meet up with the demands of the 21st Century while introducing TechAcademy to foster innovative culture among business owners.

This was stated at JCI, Ikeja January General Assembly, tagged: ‘JCI’s Secret Sauce: The values, ethos and ethics of making a difference,’ held in Lagos.

Speaking, the President of the organisation, Ikeja branch, Omowunmi Fakoya, noted that besides TechAcademy, Skill4her, BigBroda Project, Security and Safety Summit, Quality Leadership Values Seminar and Innovative Enterprise Seminar, are part of the projects the organisation has in line for the year.

She stressed the importance of technology as it relates to the development of the workforce and productivity with proper management of people’s skills.

According to her, people need to understand the ease and flexibility that technology brings to the workspace, saying it was important for the people to skill up, noting that this would add value to the different fields and consequently produce a better result.

She said: “In alignment with the national organisation’s theme for 2024, “SEE, Inspire the Future,” I am committed to building a sustainable future, engaging with all stakeholders, and achieving efficiency in all projects and programmes.

“At the heart of my vision for 2024 is the revival of the Individual Development Seminar, a foundational project, in collaboration with the prestigious Lagos Business School. This initiative aims to equip our members with invaluable skills for personal and professional advancement, aligning with the broader 2024 JCI theme. We are committed to promoting an innovative culture among business owners for members in the local organisation and non-members.” Fakoya urged the government to partner with organisations that are doing their best to ensure development and progress for the country and people.

“There is a need for the government to collaborate with groups that are committed to the well-being of the people and ensure that we have a better country. This would go a long way to achieve more.”

On her part, Vice President, Business and International, Olubunmi Fadare, stressed the need for skill acquisition, especially among women, noting that this would ensure self-employment, diverse job opportunities, employment generation, effective function, and crime reduction.


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