SIR: As Christians in Nigeria and all other parts of the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, we felicitate with them on this monumental occasion.

Christmas period is not only a time for festivities but also a time for sober reflections. The birth of Jesus symptomises hope for the hopeless. His death stands for readiness for supreme sacrifice. His resurrection mirrors the reality of life after death and amplifies the unique nature and power of God to bring the living out of the dead, light after darkness and knowledge after a long period of ignorance.


Jesus: Epitome of love and tolerance

In the light of the above, we of the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) call on all Nigerians to relish the Christian season together as one regardless of religious or ethnic differences. We must put parochial and sentimental manifestation of faith behind us and allow objectivity and presence of mind to take centre stage. Moslems must tolerate their Christian neighbours and vice versa.

As Jesus was love and forgiveness personified, Christian leaders must imbibe these significant themes and teach same to their followers. We all must see killing, maiming and destruction of property in its true colour as the handiwork of Satan, not of God, not of Christianity, not of Islam.

Nigerians must pray with one voice for divine healing for the Head of State, President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua, who is currently on sick bed, for God who miraculously gave Mary a child without human interaction to equally bring Yar’Adua back home in good health. We affirm that God is capable of giving the sick good health and long life.

He also has the power to make the healthy drop dead without any warning. We therefore urge Nigerians to be patient and to have faith. We remind Nigerians of all political backgrounds that when a hen patches on a rope, neither the rope nor the hen can enjoy stability. Let us pray for peace and stability for our country as God stabilised the home of Mary after the birth of Jesus Christ.

Is-haq Akintola,
Director, Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC)



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