Jobberman facilitates employment for Northern Nigerian youths

jobbermanIN an almost unprecedented drive to put as many qualified Northern professionals and candidates as possible back to work and as well as resuscitate the economy of the region, Jobberman, has helped put thousands of qualified Nigerians in paid employment in Northern Nigeria.

These jobs were generated as part of recruiting initiatives spearheaded by Jobberman on behalf of businesses with interests in the North. Insecurity and the fear of the Boko Haram in Northern Nigeria had caused shutting down of several businesses with the attendant effect of loss of jobs, which has negatively weighed down on the economy of the region.

“Jobberman, working with industry players, is also currently recruiting candidates in the region to work in the financial services industry. This indeed is worthy of applause and should be emulated by other firms in the formal and informal sectors, as they hold the key to successfully absorbing the teeming Nigerian job-seeking populace especially in the North.

“In 2014 alone, Jobberman placed about 5000 candidates in jobs in the financial sector in the Nigeria. With sustained collaboration with its clients, Jobberman is adequately poised to do more this year with more focus on Northern Nigeria”, a statement from the agency read in part.

