Joke Silva, Kemi ‘Lala’ Akindoju, Take Gender Violence Campaign To Stage

Mrs Gbemi Shasore, CEO Mainevents & Campaigns Limited and Executive Producer ‘A Past Came Calling’ (left), award-winning actress Joke Silva and Mr Solomon Mac- Auley, Director of the play, at a press conference to announce the upcoming play
Mrs Gbemi Shasore, CEO Mainevents & Campaigns Limited and Executive Producer ‘A Past Came Calling’ (left), award-winning actress Joke Silva and Mr Solomon Mac- Auley, Director of the play, at a press conference to announce the upcoming play

TO commemorate this year’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on November 25, Mainevents and Campaigns Limited in collaboration with The Simi Johnson Organisation, are presenting the critically acclaimed stage play- A Past Came Calling at the Agip Hall of the Muson Centre.

Produced by Gbemi Sasore, written by Uche Mac-Auley and starring award-winning actresses Joke Silva and Kemi ‘Lala’ Akindoju, the play’s central message is that violence, including sexual violence against women and girls, is a grave and pervasive violation of women’s human rights.

In a recent media chat to announce the upcoming stage play, Gbemi Sasore, CEO of Main Events, who is also the Executive Director of the play, noted: “In Nigeria, violence against women is on the rise and affecting more families. Domestic violence statistics indicate an increase from 21 per cent in 2011 to 30 per cent in 2013. The economic impact is significant and there is evidence that stability in family life can result in an increase of as much as 10 per cent of national productivity. No sustainable development agenda can be achieved without ending this global violation of human rights, violence against all women and girls, in every country of the world.”

“Violence against women and girls respects no boundaries; it affects them even before birth and is constant throughout their lives, continuing into old age. It is committed by family members and by strangers, as well as in the wider community-at work, school and on our streets,” she added.

Driven to the verge of insanity by undignified widowhood rites she is required to perform by her embittered in-laws at her husband’s death, Temisan sneaks away in the dead of the night, two days to a traditional verdict of the dead- a practice where a corpse is made to rise up and swing around in search of the one responsible for its death.

Her six-month-old baby strapped to her back, Temisan runs for dear life and dumps her baby in the dustbin of a wealthy home, hoping for a better life for the infant. She continues with her life, succeeding as an award-winning actress.

A Past Came Calling is a one act play that tells the story of a woman with a dark secret she has guarded for years until she is threatened with exposure.

The play will be performed on November 27 and 28 respectively at the Agip Hall Muson Centre in Lagos.

