Jonathan’s concession of victory proves Nigeria has future, says Gowon

Buhari and Jonathan
Buhari and Jonathan
*Obasanjo offers Buhari help to tackle nation’s problems

FORMER Head of State and Convener of Nigeria Prays, Gen. Yakubu Gowon (rtd) yesterday, said the uncommon action of President Goodluck Jonathan in conceding victory in the last general election shows that the country has a future.

Also, ahead of the May 29 handover date, former President Olusegun Obasanjo is offering a helping hand to the President-elect, Muhammadu Buhari on how to tackle the multifaceted problems bedeviling the country. 

Professor Akin Mabogunje, who is the Chairman of the Governing Board, Centre for Human Security of the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Liberary submitted a strategy report to the president-elect at his office in Abuja.
The report specifically proffers solutions to the problems afflicting the country in the Education, Security, Economy, Power and Infrastructure sectors.

Gowon who spoke at the Diamond Jubilee of Four Square Gospel Church in Lagos an event attended by dignitaries, including the Olu of Warri Ogiame Atuwatse 11 said Jonathan’s congratulatory telephone call to his opponent, Muhammadu Buhari brought a sense of relief, not just to Nigeria and Africa but the whole world.

He said by that singular act, Jonathan told the world a bright future lies ahead for Nigeria, even as he called on leaders, past or present to be mindful of their actions and utterances so as not to create tension that could put the peace and future of the nation in jeopardy.

Mobogunje told reporters after leading a team of experts to meet with Buhari behind closed doors the incoming administration will find the strategy report useful when administering the country.

Shedding light on their mission, Mabogunje said: “We have been working on a number of critical issues for the development of this country and they have now sent a delegation of those who’ve been involved with the preparation of those policy documents to talk to the president-elect and get him to appreciate what is being done to help his administration.

