Judge prescribes American justice system for Nigeria

Chief Judge wigA UNITED States judge, James Ware, has urged the Nigerian judiciary to adopt his country’s justice system that places premium on just, speedy and inexpensive resolution of disputes.

Ware, spoke in Lagos as a guest speaker at the 2015 Chief G. O. Sodipo annual memorial lecture with the theme,

“Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) At a Glance” which held at the Regional Centre for Commercial Arbitration.

Delivering a paper titled: “Five Principles That Led U.S. Courts To Adopt ADR,” the retired jurist admonished stakeholders in the justice sector to ensure that law students were not only taught how to litigate, but also how to resolve disputes through the ADR mechanism

“Teach them to litigate, effective rules of evidence, legal logic but also teach them to negotiate; to mediate; the miracle of dialogue; that compromise to not defeat; because by definition it involves give and take; introduce them to the bar as new litigators and solicitors but also as skilled at figuring out what is necessary to resolve disputes,” Ware charged.



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